Six - Kitty Cat

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Last night crazy, and to be honest, it was all unexpected. Andre had feelings for me, Rebecca said that Jade was actually a really nice person, and craziest of all, Jade had actually wanted to get to know me better, and had wanted to take me out on a date. I sighed, and fiddled with the fraying threads on my pillows edge. What would I do? I couldn't just apologize to Jade for avoiding her, I didn't know what I was meant to say to Andre, it was all just one big mess. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and unlocked the screen. I went into my messages, and noticed there were some more from Andre, but I had put him on mute last night. I opened the messages with Rebecca.

6:37am ; Me ; Are you awake?xx

Rebecca ; Yeah, unfortunately, what's up?xx

Me ; I just need someone to speak to about the whole Andre thing. Do you mind if I speak to you about it?xx

Rebecca ; Of course, what's on your mind?xx

Me ; What am I meant to do? I've been lied to by someone I considered a friend up until now, and I feel horrible. What am I meant to say to Jade? xx

Rebecca ; Just explain to her what's happened, I'm sure that she'll understand? She's not completely unreasonable xx

Me ; Yeah maybe. Would you wanna hang out at school today? xx

Rebecca ; I can't today, I've got classes, homework, counselling and then a doctors appointment this afternoon, we could hang out tomorrow? xx

Me ; Yeah, I'd like that a lot xx

I set my phone down, well at least that's something to look forward to tomorrow right? As for today, I needed to speak to Jade, and I needed to avoid Andre at all costs. I sighed and rolled myself out of bed, I walked over to my wardrobe and lazily found some clothes to wear. Thankfully I only had a couple of classes today, and they were all the fun ones. When I was finished getting ready I walked downstairs, and grabbed an apple off of the counter. Mom had already gone to work, so I made my own way to school. It was a nice day outside.

When I arrived at school it was still relatively early, and there was barely anyone here. I glance around and saw Cat sat on the stairs, she waved at me and beckoned for me to come and sit down, which I did. I hadn't seen her in a couple of days, so I figured it would be nice to catch up with her.

"Hey Cat," I said cheerily as I sat down next to her, placing my bag at my feet, "How you been?"

She beamed a huge smile at me, "I've been okay! There's been a lot of trouble with my brother lately, and me and my mom had to go to the Police Station last night, but when we got there, he was wearing a clown suit and only had one shoe!" I couldn't help but laugh at this, I loved it when Cat told me stories about her brother. Thinking about it though, she'd never actually said his name, not even so much as mentioned it in a passing comment. "That sounds really interesting, Cat." I chuckled out.

Cat nodded, and gave a small 'mhmm', before looking away shyly. "Tori, can I tell you something? Do you promise not to be mad at me?" Cat almost whispered, looking at me with big green eyes. I nodded and gave her a small, but reassuring smile. "You can tell me anything Cat, and I promise I won't be mad at you."

"Tori, I really like you." With that, Cat pressed her lips against mine. Shell-shocked, I just sat there, not really knowing what to do. I didn't want to kiss her back, because I had no idea how I felt, and I didn't want to give her the wrong idea or anything. Eventually she pulled away, and just sat there staring at me and giggling. My cheeks were flushed, and I darted my eyes around nervously, not really knowing where to look or what to say. There was a small cough behind us, and a voice behind us trembled as it spoke. "Can I go past?"

I looked up, and my eyes locked with Jade's.


I was awake long before Tori had text me, she didn't know what to do about Andre, and I didn't know what advice to give her. I briefly spoke to her about it before I got out of bed, and started to get ready for school. I'd had a particularly bad nights sleep, and I drifted off a little bit in the car, when I woke up, it was to the sound of the car braking, and my mom putting the handbrake on. "We're here honey, have a good day." She lent over and kissed my cheek, and I smiled at her. I got out of the car and headed into the school. The school was practically empty when I had arrived, so I headed straight for my locker.

I walked down a set of stairs that took me straight to the main hall, and what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks. Tori and Cat, kissing? Wait, no, Cat kissing Tori, but she wasn't reciprocating. She wasn't interested, but that didn't stop the tears welling up in my eyes. I watched as Cat finally pulled away, and started giggling, and Tori just sat there, in what looked like complete and utter shock. I let out a small cough, and my voice trembled as I asked, "Can I go past?"

Tori looked up, and her eyes locked with mine. I couldn't let her see me like this, not while I was vulnerable. I walked past them once they had parted, and headed straight for the girl's bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and sank to the floor, letting the tears flow. I cradled my knees to my chest and rocked as I whispered, 'It's all just a bad dream', over and over to myself.

When the first bell rang, I got up, took my brush out of my bag, and redid my hair, followed by my makeup, I didn't want people to know that I had been crying, and once I look presentable, I headed to class. Tori and Cat sat apart, and against my better judgement, I went and sat on the same side as Tori. The day seemed to skim past in a blur, Cat tried her best to spend time with Tori, but Tori seemed to be avoiding not only her, but me and also Andre too.

On the way home I sent Tori a message.

17:40 ; Me ; Hey, I saw the incident in the main hall, what was that all about? What's happening? xx

Tori ; To tell you the truth, I have no idea. Cat was telling me about her brother, then she's confessing her feelings, then she kissed me! xx

Me ; Did you kiss her back?xx

Tori ; No, I didn't, but then Jade was stood there and she looked upset. Not angry upset, but she had actual tears in her eyes.. I never got to speak to her today xx

Me ; Do you want her number so you can speak to her?xx

Tori ; Yeah, send it over please, and I'll explain to her. I just want a bath and my bed right now.. xx

I left it at that. I didn't reply to her. I didn't want to know that she was going to see a movie with Cat. I didn't care. I got up and left my room, heading downstairs and out of my front door. I needed to clear my head.

I sent her the number of my other phone so that she could text what she actually knew was me, and I continued on my journey home. I took a detour through the park to clear my head. My phone buzzed, and when I checked it there was a message from Tori.

18:35 ; Tori ; I sent her a message explaining. Thank you xx

When I finally got home, I checked my other phone, and there was indeed a message from Tori waiting for me.

18:30 ; Tori ; Hey, Jade. It's Tori. I know after today I am probably the last person you'd want to hear from, but I'm sorry for what you saw in the main hall. It was unexpected, and I didn't know that was going to happen. Cat kissed me, but I didn't react to her kissing me.. I wanted to speak to you in school today, but I figured after what you saw, you probably wouldn't want to speak to me. I was wrong. I'd been avoiding you since the first day I came here because of a lie that Andre had told me, and i'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have listened to him. I hope you're okay..

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