Ten - Sleepover

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JADE'S P.O.V. ||

Last night, Tori asked me if I wanted to stay the night, her mom was out of town with work, and so was her dad, so we'd have the house all to ourselves, good thing too, especially after the messages last night. I'd never really been one for sleepovers as a child, and I just assumed that as an adult, people wouldn't do sleepovers anymore. It was a nice feeling, knowing that someone trusted me enough to have me in their house as they slept. One thing I needed to talk to Tori about, was the dreaded question. What are we? We hadn't put a label on anything, but I wanted her to be my girlfriend so badly. The more time I spent with her, spent talking to her, hell, even the time I spent thinking about her, I found myself slowly falling in love with her.

Tori changed me. She showed me that I am capable of falling in love, not only that, but that I am capable of being loved.. After everything with Cat, I just assumed that it was me, that I was the one who couldn't be loved, that there was something wrong with me, but it turns out there's nothing wrong with me. I didn't think that I would ever love anyone again after Cat cheated on me, but here we go. I checked my phone, and checked the number on the front of the house.

Yep, this is it. I'm here..

I pressed the doorbell, and smiled as I heard Tori shout from the inside, "Just a second!" I put my phone inside of my bag, and smoothed my hair out in the reflection of the glass. The door swung open, and Tori came bounding out, practically landing on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, as she wrapped hers around my neck, and embraced me. God, she smelt so good all the time. I took her hand as she led me inside, and I glanced around amazed.

"Surprised?" She giggled out, watching my amazed reaction. I nodded. I looked around, taking in the sight of the inside. It was weird. No gothy type ornaments, no dark colours, no blinds that are down or curtains that are pulled like my own house. It was bright. The light was shining into the room, it reflected off of the coffee table, causing rainbows to dance across the ceiling. She shut the door behind us and walked over to the kitchen.

"Would you like something to eat? Drink?" Tori said, and I walked over to the kitchen, and stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against me and I placed a gentle kiss on the side of her neck. "Since I can't have you, I'll settle for a diet coke and a sandwich please." I felt a smirk on my face, but I tried not to show it. Tori had a blush spreading across her cheeks.

She's so cute..

Tori walked to the fridge and opened the door, looking inside. "How does ham and mustard sound?" She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, I nodded softly, flashing her a smile back. "That sounds perfect, baby." I watched as she grabbed the ham and mustard out of the fridge, along with a can of diet coke. She walked to the kitchen side, over to the bread holder and took out two pieces of bread. I watched her, as she constructed my sandwich together. She handed me my sandwich, on a plate, and she had poured my drink into a coloured glass.

"Tori, what are we?" I asked as she sat down on the sofa next to me, she shrugged her shoulders, "What do you want us to be?" She asked quizzically, and I looked into her eyes. "Tori, will you be my girlfriend?" She nodded excitedly like a child with a new toy, and a blush spread across both of our faces, as we started to eat our lunch.


"Why on earth, would you suggest we watch The Amityville Horror?!" Tori whined as we walked up the stairs. "Well, I like the movie, and it was fun to see you jump." I chuckled gently, following her up the stairs. We reached the top and she pulled me into her room and closed the door, with force.

"Look baby, I'm sorry about making you watch the movie, but I didn't think it would scare you that much."

I looked down at the ground as I sat on the edge of her bed.

"You never did think."

I felt Tori push me down onto my back, and I watched as she climbed ontop of me.

"But, that's why I love you."

Tori began to press gentle kisses to the side of my neck. I tilted my head slightly, in order to give her access to my skin.

"Tori, what are you do- hngh."

I whimpered out, she'd bit down on my skin, not hard enough to bleed me, but hard enough to leave a mark that would be noticeable in the morning, and would bring about alot of questions.

"Shut up, Jade."

"Tori. Look at me."

I whispered gently, as she looked into my eyes. I could tell she hadn't done anything like this before. It was adorable as hell. I rolled us over, so that I was on top. I'd had experience with these kind of things, Cat seemed to always want sex, she hadn't had experience, she didn't know what to do. I might as well show her how it's done.

"We don't have to do this, you know?"

I mumbled as I pressed soft, lingering kisses to the skin just behind her ear.

"I want to. I want you."

She grabbed a handful of my hair, causing me to whimper, as she pulled me up and pressed her lips to mine. Hard.

I rested my fingers under the hem of her shirt, grabbing a handful of the material as I pushed it up. I pulled away from the kiss, but only long enough to yank the shirt over her head. As soon as it was off, I threw it to the corner of the room, slamming my lips against hers forcefully.

She got the idea and began pulling at the back of my shirt, lifting it up. We broke the kiss once more, so that my shirt could be pulled off and could join Tori's in the corner.

I began to trail kisses down, along her jawline, slow, lingering, gentle kisses that if you were sensitive to that kind of shit, would have you begging for more, down her neck, nipping at the skin as I left the kisses, causing tiny little red marks to appear. Past her neck, over her collarbones, as my hands found their way to her back, and my fingers swiftly undid the hooks of her bra.

I grinned up at her as I took her bra off with my teeth, growling sexily, at least, attempting to. I pressed a kiss to each breast, flicking my tongue out over her left nipple, causing it to harden underneath my tongue. I chuckled as I heard Tori let out a gentle moan, that she'd obviously been holding in for a while.

I wrapped my lips around her nipple, sucking, as my fingers worked at her jeans. The button came undone pretty quickly, and my hand slid into them.

I began to tease her clit through her underwear, causing more moans. Louder ones this time.

"D-Don't tease me."

Tori whimpered. I pushed down her jeans, watching as she kicked them off. I kissed down her stomach, until I reached her bikin line, and I took a hold of the hem of her underwear in my teeth, slowly pulling them down. She was horny as fuck. I could tell. She had this look in her eyes.

"Do it.."

She mumbled out, closing her eyes. So, I followed her commands. I spread her legs slightly and pushed a finger into her. The warmth. It was so wet.. I added another and Tori whimpered.

While my fingers were doing the work inside of her, my tongue flicked over her clit. My fingers kept moving faster, pressing into her g-spot, the little bundle of nerves being stimulated over and over again, her moans kept getting louder. Suddenly her pussy clenched, and her cum drenched my fingers.

I smiled to myself, licking my fingers clean of her cum.

"You taste good."

Tori blushed at this comment as I stripped off the rest of my clothing, heading towards the shower. Tori followed me, and we both stepped into the shower, turning the water on.

I love you Tori.. I just wish I could admit it.

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