Three - Meeting Jade

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The moment I walked through the doors, I spotted Andre immediately, and he was stood exactly where he promised to be, by the lockers. I smiled at him and waved, walking over and hugging him.

It's what we always did. I'd hug him and he wouldn't argue. It's been like that since the first day I met him, I walked straight up to him and gave him a hug. I saw scars on his arm when I'd met him, and it just compelled me to hug him everytime I was with him. At least that way, he would feel loved, and needed.

"Hey Andre."

I smiled at him, looking around. I liked the look of the school. It didn't look like a school would. It looked much more friendlier.

"So, this is Hollywood Arts? It doesn't seem like a school."

He just laughed off that comment as if he'd heard it a million times, which he probably had. He seemed like he'd shown quite a fair few people around the school during his time here thus far.

"Yeah, I guess it doesn't. Well, I should get you out of the corridor before Jade comes along. Word is she's keeping an eye out for you."

I furrowed my eyebrows together, looking around to check that Jade wasn't going to jump out from nowhere, not that me looking would help. I don't even know what the girl looks like.

Honestly, I was terrified. A girl that I didn't know, more importantly, who didn't even know me, potentially wanted to bully me without any just cause. I didn't know what to do and I think  Andre could tell.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me along, through some blue doors to the eating space, sitting at a table, I sat next to him, glancing over my shoulder every so often.

I really hope Jade doesn't find me.


I was sat outside on the bonnet of my truck when I heard a group of people talking about the new girl that was going to be showing up to Hollywood Arts today.

Her name was Tori and the guys who had already met her when she performed in the musical, all agreed she was hot.

I'll be the judge of that.

The only time I'd heard of her before then, was when we were told that her annoying bitch of a sister, Trina, had committed suicide. I blamed myself. Everyone did. Only I knew it was actually my fault.

Me and Trina used to be friends, but I fucked it up. I bullied her so much that she actually took her own life. It all started when me and Beck broke up. I began to take my anger out on everyone else.

Beck had left me for this nerdy little twat called Robbie. Robbie was the weirdest, most unattractive guy you could ever meet. Before he met Andre, he would walk around on his own carrying a puppet, called Rex.

Honestly, I don't think ventriloquism is anything to be proud of, or find special. Anyone can shove their hand up a puppets ass, and make it's mouth move while they talk. Beck found it cute. Freaks.

Anyways, me and Beck split and he began to spend all of his time with Andre, Cat, Robbie and Sinjin. But, Trina followed Beck pretty much everywhere. I never understood why. I never asked. Now, I'll never have the chance.

A while after me and Beck had split up, Cat told me that she caught feelings, then we started dating, and everything was going swimmingly until I found her messages to some girl in Florida, it didn't matter though, I never actually cared about her.

Liar. You loved her.

I walked through the school doors and over to my locker, stabbing another pair of scissors into it. My locker is a mass of scissors and other sharp objects. It shows people that I'm dangerous, and not a person you want to fuck around with.

Some of my scissors had dried blood on. Not from murdering people. From other things..

In Hollywood Arts you all have a locker and you're given a choice. You can either keep your locker plain and get hassle from other students, and the teachers, or, you can decorate your locker the way that YOU want it to be decorated. It was a way to show off your creativity.

I walked out into the eating area, and I immediately saw Andre. I just knew she'd be with him. He was sat with a brunette, wearing a checkered flannel shirt and blood red skinny jeans. From the back, she looked stupid. Then, she turned around, and honestly, it felt like my heart had stopped still.

She's beautiful...

I looked at her, and she locked eyes with me in return. Her cheekbones redder than the roses that were in bloom in the soil patch behind her. I smiled at her and to my surprise, she smiled back.. That was until Andre glanced over at me, and then proceeded to whisper something in her ear and her eyes turned from friendly, to full of fear. She knew who I was.

I turned my back and walked back into the school building, bumping into Beck. I span round quickly, grabbing his arm.

"I need a favor."

I blurted out quickly, and laughed lightly as he jokingly took a step back, shocked. Me and Beck had a good friendship. I had gotten over the fact he left me, and I was happy that he had finally come out, and I couldn't be prouder of him, but the problem was that I wasn't happy that he had left me for someone like Robbie.

"What favor do you need? I'm not killing anyone!"

He smiled as he spoke, showing he was just messing about with me.

"Tori, the new girl. I need her number. Please."

Beck raised his eyebrow quizzically, then nodded and walked out to the eating area. I started to head to my class, and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, and unlocked it, clicking onto my text messages. I had one.

09:45 ; Beck ; It'll cause suspicion if I give you Tori's number, but there's a chance that Andre might have it. You could ask him?

I had to get her number.

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