Nine - The Texts

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A.N ; So due to changing chapters, and changing pretty much the brunt of the story, this is a new idea I had, where it's just a whole conversation of texts between Jade and Tori. Maybe this will get steamy? Who knows? You'll have to read on to find out ;) xo

Jade's P.O.V ||

22:06 ; Me ; Hey hot stuff x

Tori ; Hey yourself x

Me ; How are you feeling? I just wanna apologize once again for what happened in class today, I know it can't have been a nice thing to see, and I don't want you to ever see me like that again x

Tori ; I don't condone violence, but I know why you hit her. Cat was waaaay out of line xx

Me ; Yeah, she was, but I shouldn't have brought Trina into this xx

Tori ; Actually, I've been meaning to ask... Can we talk about what you meant by that, please?xx

Me ; Yeah sure, what do you want to know? I promise complete honesty with you from this moment on xx

Tori ; Well what did you mean when you asked if she was 'over Trina'?xx

Me ; There was a rumor about a year ago that Cat was in love with Trina, I spoke to Cat about it when we were just friends, and she admitted it was true. She was heartbroken when your sister passed away, as we all were, but when she met you, I overheard her telling Andre that she thought if she dated you it would be like she got a chance at dating Trina xx

Tori ; Wow... That's shitty of her. Glad I never dated her xx

Me ; Can I ask you something? xx

Tori ; Of course you can, sweetie xx

Me ; Did you want to date Cat? I mean I saw her kiss you that one time xx

Tori ; No, God no! She's like a little sister to me, despite the fact that she's a couple of months older than me, I've always deemed her as more family than anything. Hence why I was so shocked when she kissed me, it felt wrong xx

Me ; Oh right, that makes sense. I'm sorry for asking xx

Tori ; No no, it's alright. Can I ask you something now? Since we're taking it in turns to ask questions xx

Me ; Of course, you can ask anything you want xx

Tori ; My mom is out of town for the week, and I was wondering if maybe you would like to come over and stay the night tomorrow?xxx

Me ; Like a sleepover?xxx

Tori ; Yeah, just with less sleeping ;) xxx

Me ; Oh really, is that so? ;) Well I would be honored Vega xxx

Tori ; Awesome! Bring an energy drink or two, because I doubt you'll be getting much sleep xxx

Me ; Why would that be?xxx

Tori ; Maybe because I plan to kiss you from head to toes, and everywhere in between ;) xxx

Me ; That's if I let you, tomorrow I'm going to make you behave like such a good little girl xxx

Tori ; That sent actual shivers down my spine, and now I'm all hot and bothered :( xxx

Me ; I'd sort that for you if I was there xxx

Tori ; Oh yeah, and how would you do that?xxx

Me ; I'd kiss you, hard and deep, as my hand trailed down your body, gently, my fingertips gliding over your soft skin, gently grazing your nipples, as my mouth would then find its way to them xxx

Tori ; Oh God, tell me more please xxx

Me ; Anything for you, my love - My hand would eventually find its way to between your legs, and I'd slowly rub your clit, watching as you'd arch into my hand. I'd slide my fingers into you, God Tori, you're so wet xxx

Tori ; God, Jade, I am, please don't stop xxx

Me ; I'd leave a trail of kisses down your chest, and over your stomach, and soon my hand would be replaced with my mouth. My tongue would circle your clit, and I'd grasp your thighs as you buck up into my face. God, I want your pussy all over my tongue right now Tori xxx

Tori ; Tomorrow baby, I promise.. It's late, we should get some sleep.. xxx

Without warning, my phone rang and it was a Face-time call with Tori. We fell asleep together on face-time, and pretty soon she invaded my dreams..

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