Eleven - Cat's Revenge Plan

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TORI'S P.O.V. ||

The next day, I felt like I was on top of the fucking world. I swear, nothing could've brought me down from this high, not Andre and his cryptic posts on The Slap, not Cat and her consistent, abusive and harassing text messages. Nothing could bring me down from the high I was on. Was this a drug induced high? Nope, something much simpler. Last night, me and Jade had sex, after having the most sexually charged text conversation that is possible to have ever, and then, because my mom was due back home this afternoon, while I was in school, Jade booked us a night away. It was only at this rundown motel just out of town, but it's the thought that counts, right?

I rolled over in bed, and just laid there, staring at my beautiful girlfriend. Girlfriend, it was crazy to think that I was calling her that, I mean, Jade fucking West of all people! There was only one thing that was bugging me from last night, I told Jade that I loved her, and I didn't get a response. Did she not feel the same? I would understand if she didn't, we hadn't been dating for that long. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was fully serious about Jade. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, and that was a fact.

I watched as she stirred next to me, and her eyes fluttered open. I grinned from ear to ear, and stroked a strand of hair out of her face, "Hey sleepyhead.." I whispered softly, placing a kiss on her forehead. She smiled back up at me, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes gently. "Good morning, baby. What time is it?" I picked up my phone and pressed the home button, "It's 6:45, we should probably get up and get ready for school.. Shower?" She nodded, and with that we both rolled out of bed, and headed towards the bathroom, we showered, and got dressed and then set off on the journey towards school in Jade's car. Sadly we didn't have any classes together for the whole day, so when we got to school we promised to meet in the main hallway by the stairs at the end of school, where we would be heading straight to the motel.


I stood in the main hallway, constantly checking my phone, and glancing around. I was waiting for Jade, and as the crowds of kids heading home thinned out, I hoped she would be coming out soon. She hadn't sent me a message or anything, maybe she was blowing me off? No, that couldn't be possible. She's the one who made these plans, she's the one who booked all of this. I was brought out of my thoughts by a certain redhead walking up to me, waving and smiling.

Cat was not who I wanted to see right now. We hadn't spoken since the fight, I had been ignoring all of her texts, and she had been attempting to make mine and Jade's relationship a misery since then too. It didn't work, and after blocking several different accounts on the slap, she had stuck to texting me a couple times a day with abusive messages. She stopped in front of me, looking around me, "what you still doing here?" She asked, her hands resting on her bag straps. "I'm waiting for Jade, we have plans." I ignored her as best I could, I didn't want to speak to her. Not after all the messages she had sent. "She's gone home." Cat shrugged out, and I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to believe her, but Jade hadn't shown up yet, and I was starting to get worried.

I saw a flash of green and black turn the corner, and before Jade could see me, Cat grabbed the neck of my shirt and planted her lips on mine firmly. I pushed her off as quick as I could, but not quick enough. Jade was stood there, and she looked.. Angry, hurt, betrayed, furious.. She walked over to us, and grabbed Cat's bag, spinning her around, and then slamming her into the nearby locker's. "Do you want a fucking repeat of what happened a couple days ago, whore?" She growled lowly, and Cat chuckled, talking through a smirk, she whispered something to Jade, and Jade spun around and looked at me, confused and upset. What had Cat just said?

Jade turned on her heel, and walked out of the main doors. I glared at Cat as she smirked, and followed quickly after Jade.

CAT'S P.O.V ||

I saw Tori's eyes light up, as I heard boots coming down the nearby hallway, and I knew it had to be Jade. I slammed my lips onto Tori's, and as soon as she could, she had pushed me back off again. It was all I needed though. Just for Jade to see that one bit. I felt someone grab my bag, and suddenly I was being spun and slammed into the lockers. Jade was in my face, growling at me, "Do you want a fucking repeat of what happened last week, whore?", she spat in my face. "That's not the first time Tori's kissed me, just the first time you've seen us Jade.." I whispered into her ear, as I smirked. She turned around and looked at Tori, the confusing and upset prominent in her eyes.

My plan was in motion already.

I know you're all probably thinking why, but why not? Why was it fair that Jade can practically push someone into killing themselves, but she ends up with the girl. The girl of my fucking dreams! How is any of that fair? It isn't. I wanted Tori, of course, so did a lot of other people, like Andre, and a couple people in the Theater class, but I was the one who was meant to have her!

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