Four - Jade Turns Pickpocket

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A.N; Hey guys, I've decided that I will be re-doing this whole chapter, I wrote this when I was 16/17, and looking back at it, it's unfair to have a character turn straight just for the sake of getting someone else's number, when the LGBTQ+ group is so marginalized as it stands.. So if you read this again, after having already read this the once, yes you will notice that this whole chapter is different, if you're new, then just ignore this message xo


Tori was absolutely beautiful, and I just had to get her number, but how? More importantly, what would I say? How would I tell her that I got her number? She'd never answer if I just messaged saying 'Oh hey, it's Jade, the girl everyone tells you bad things about.' I'm sure that will go down about as well as a bag of bricks.

Should I lie about who I really am? Should I pretend to be someone else? Or just never reveal my name in the first place and be some unknown texter? No, that's stupid. She would just block my number, come on Jade, think.


I walked into my class, taking a seat at the back as so to remain undisturbed. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Sure, her dress sense was a bit too scene for me, but other than that, she was amazing.. Her hair curled so perfectly at the front, so that it never fell into her eyes, not that it could if it ever wanted to, her eyes looked like two pools of honey, body slim but curvy, it was like she was made in a computer. She was complete and utter perfection.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the classroom door opening, it creaked a little when it opened, but that's because it was an old school and an old door. Well that and they hardly ever oiled the doors. It was Andre. All of a sudden, it was like a light bulb had turned on inside of my head, and I had a eureka moment. It all clicked together, Andre would have Tori's number! Yes! Wait, how would I get it?

Andre sat in the seat in front of me, and swung his bag over the back of it, just as Sikowitz walked into the class. "Listen up class, today we will be watching a movie, feel free to eat and drink, but no phones! If you need the bathroom at any point, just go." The whole class groaned, and I watched as Andre took his phone out of his front trouser pocket and slid it into one of the pockets on his bag. That's exactly how I'll get her number, I'll take his phone during the movie. Perfect! Then I can replace it like nothing happened.

About an hour had passed, and everyone was completely engrossed in the movie that Sikowitz was showing. I lent forward and gently slid Andre's phone out of the front pocket, I walked out of the classroom, which Sikowitz said was fine to do if you needed the bathroom. as if I was going to the bathroom. I walked to the girls bathroom, and when I was in there I safely pulled out Andre's phone, inputting the code that I'd watched him enter hundreds of times. I brought up his contacts list, and found Tori's name and number. I quickly unlocked my own phone and entered the details, saving them immediately.

I left the bathroom, and headed back to the classroom. When I entered, I sat back in my seat, and placed Andre's phone back in the same pocket of his bag that I'd taken it from, acting as if I was rummaging in my own bag in front of myself. To make it more believable I grabbed my water bottle from my bag, and placed it in my lap.

As I continued to watch the rest of the movie, my mind began to wonder.

When me and Beck split up, I swore off of guys for good, and honestly, it's not a decision I regret. There's just something more about dating a woman. There's more of an emotional connection, instead of such a need for a physical one, and it's better. It's healthier. I'll be honest, I nearly swore off of dating altogether for good, after what happened with Cat, I felt completely betrayed, but not surprised. In the days leading up to it, she had begun to distance herself from me, and I knew something was going to happen, I just wasn't sure what. Gotta love anxiety right? Well, I thought it was anxiety, then I told myself it was a gut feeling, and my mom always said to listen to my gut.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the movie playing the ending theme, and I saw the credits begin to roll. I put my water bottle back in my bag, and carefully watched Andre out of the corner of my eye as he checked his phone, making sure that he didn't suspect anything. He put his phone is his trouser pocket, and packed up his things. Thankfully he didn't suspect anything. I watched as he left the classroom, and I left shortly after, heading over to my locker. I put my unneeded school books away in it. Thankfully it was time to go home, I couldn't wait.

During the journey home I kept thinking, what was I going to do? What was I going to text Tori? What would I say? Why couldn't I just speak to her face to face, like a normal person would..

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