Eight - It Was You?

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TORI'S P.O.V. ||

Fuck, where did she go? I had to find Jade, I had to make sure she was okay, especially after all the stuff that Cat said. She was just bang out of order. I mean, yeah I was upset that Jade lashed out like that so suddenly after keeping her cool, but I understand why. Cat was constantly pushing her buttons and it was unfair and unnecessary. I took a seat on the stairs in the main hallway, and pulled out my phone. I had to talk to someone about this. I opened my messages and sent a text to Rebecca.

10:03 ; Me ; Hey, are you busy, can I talk to you about something? I really need someone to vent to xx

Immediately after sending that text, I heard a phone chime, and realized, after checking my own, that it could have been Jade's. Jade wouldn't be mad at me if I just checked to see who it was, right? I didn't want her to miss anything important, and I certainly didn't want Cat still trying to kick off. I pulled Jade's phone out of my pocket, and saw the exact same message that I had sent to Rebecca, just seconds ago. I slid the message across and opened the phone, Jade didn't have a password, or pass-code. I read through the messages slowly, it was everything that I had said to Rebecca. She was pretending to be someone she wasn't, what, to get close to me? That was the only explanation I could think.

I looked up, and saw Jade stood there looking at me. She was watching me sheepishly, "What are you doing on my phone?" she asked, darting her eyes across the main hall, making sure that her gaze was on anything except me. She knew that I had found out. "Well, it went off, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything important, or Cat trying to kick something else off, Jade. Or should I say Rebecca." Jade's eye darted to me, and she opened her mouth, stuttering out, "Tori, I-I can explain." I shook my head, "No need to, I think the messages tell me everything I needed to know."

Jade stared down at her feet, twiddling the ends of her skirt with her fingers slowly, "Do you hate me? I'd understand why if you did." I patted the space on the stairs next to me, signalling Jade to come and sit down, she hesitated for a moment, but then sat next to me, our thighs touching, as she placed her bag in front of her. "Why? Why did you pretend to be someone else?" She sighed loudly, hands in her lap. She began to fidget with her shirt sleeves, clearly anxious about this conversation.

"I wanted to get to know you, but I thought you were avoiding me. I took Andre's phone in class one day, and took your number out. I had to know if I had done something, or if it was someone else. I didn't mean for it to carry on like this, I was going to tell you, but I could never figure out when was the right moment," I watched as the tears cascaded down her cheeks, and fell onto her lap, "I'm really sorry, Tori."

I gently grabbed her chin with my finger and thumb, lifting her head up. I gazed into her eyes, and inside I felt something I wasn't expecting to feel, ever. Butterflies. "I'm not mad at you, Jade, I just wish you had told me the truth."

I pressed my lips against hers gently, soon our lips melded into a slow and perfect rhythm. We pulled apart as the bell sounded, and I slid my hand into hers, interlocking our fingers as I did. Pretty soon, people started to enter the main hallway, so we moved to go and stand near my locker, I was waiting for Robbie and Beck to bring my bag out. They did in due time, and the pair of them smiled as they saw my hand interlocked with Jade's.

"You two made up then?" Beck smirked, and I punched his arm playfully. "Shut it, Beck." I laughed out, glancing at Jade, and smiling adoringly at her. I took my bag from Robbie, thanking him as I did. They let us all leave school early because of the incident, so the four of us went to Nozu to grab some food.

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