Twelve - Broken Promises || TRIGGER WARNING ||

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A/n ; So I would like to apologise in advance for any distress that this chapter causes.

TORI'S P.O.V. ||

I followed Jade out to her car, "Babe, what did Cat say to you? I promise it wasn't what it looked like. She kissed me! I pushed her away! Please you have to believe me..." I was greeted by silence. Jade got into her car, and I followed suit. I put my seat belt on, and we drove in silence. I closed my eyes, and I must have dozed off, because I was awoken by the feeling of the engine turning off. I rubbed my eyes, and blinked a few times, taking in my surroundings. Jade had driven us to the motel. Did that mean that everything was okay? Were we okay? I followed Jade out of the car, and we went into the reception. "Hi," she spoke harshly, "booking under the name of West?" The man behind the counter nodded, and went to the shelf on the wall behind him. He handed Jade a key, and an ice bucket and gave us brief directions to where we were going. "Up the stairs, third door." "Thanks." Jade nodded, and walked out. I smiled at the man, and followed quickly behind her.

Jade unlocked the motel door, and opened it. Holding it while I walked inside. I thanked her with a nod, and watched as she shut the door behind me, locking it. Jade sat on the bed, and as I went to follow her once again, she glared at me, so I sat on a chair near the TV instead. Maybe everything wasn't okay like I thought. I wasn't entirely sure on what to do right now, Jade clearly didn't believe me, and I was terrified that I was going to lose her.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a picture frame smashing on the ground next to me. I flinched backwards into my chair, and stared at the broken glass on the floor, beside it was a picture frame containing one of the very first photos that me and Jade took together. "Jade, what the fuck?!" I stared at her, and I could see the tear marks on her cheeks, and the damp spots on her clothing where the tears had fallen. I got out of my chair and walked over to the bed, kneeling in front of her, I grabbed both of her hands and held them in my own. "Babe, you have to listen to me, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me!"


I winced with pain as Jade tightened her grip on my hand, digging her nails roughly into my palm, leaving crescent shaped red marks in my palms. Jade glared into my eyes maliciously, and spat in my face as she shouted, "That's not what Cat said to me Tori! She said it's the first time I had caught you two!" I yanked my hands away from her, and tenderly rubbed my swollen palms. "Jade, I have no fucking idea what you're on about right now. I think I'd better leave." I went to stand up, and Jade grabbed a handful of my hair, roughly yanking me down and onto the ground. As soon as I was on the ground, Jade was on me. She straddled my stomach and held my hands above my head. "You think I don't know where you're heading? You think I don't know who you're going to see Tori!"

Jade's fist connected with my jaw, and impact causing my head to jolt to the side. The hits didn't stop there. They continued, my face, my head, my jaw, my stomach. Everywhere. It was a never ending barrage of pain, I just wanted it to be over. I just laid there and accepted that I might actually die. She might kill me. The tears burned my eyes, and soon I was being pulled into a seated position, and Jade had wrapped her arms around me, as she embraced me. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed out quietly, "I didn't mean to-" I pushed her off of my roughly, and grabbed my bag from the chair, running out of the motel room as Jade shouted behind me, screaming, begging for me to stop and come back.

I ran as fast and as far as I could, and pulled out my now cracked phone. Through blurred vision, I clicked on the first number that I could find. I put the phone shakily up to my ear.

"Tori, is that you?" I heard the voice through the phone say, obviously shocked. I hadn't realized that the number I had dialed was Cat's, the one person who started all of this, but right now I didn't care. I broke down in tears as I explained what had happened with Jade. She told me to hide somewhere, and send over my location and she would come and pick me up. I did as told, I hid in a nearby convenience store and sent over my location to Cat. While I was waiting for Cat to arrive, Jade's car pulled up. I hid behind the counter, and as the owner was about to question me, and probably tell me to get out, Jade came running in. A picture of me up on her phone, asking frantically "Excuse me Sir, have you seen this woman?" He glanced over at me with a side eye, and I shook my head, tears cascading down my bruised cheeks. "No, I haven't. Sorry Miss." Jade grunted in obvious frustration, and ran out of the store. I collapsed down onto my knees, and sobbed, and the owner came over to my side. He put an arm around me and helped me up, and into a chair behind the counter.

He walked into the back of the store, and came out with a glass of water, and a box of painkillers, as well as some tissues. "Here you go, dear. Are you okay? Did you know that woman?" I debated telling the shop owner everything, but I decided it would be best not to. He would only call the police. I shook my head, "No idea who she is, or why she is looking for me.." I took a small sip of the water, and winced as I swallowed it. During the punching I had bitten my cheek and my tongue, and caused cuts on both. "Do you need me to call anyone?" He asked with clear concern, but my eyes shot up as another car pulled up in front of the store. Cat stepped out and ran into the store. "No, thank you. This is my friend. She's here to collect me. Thank you for the help.." He nodded his head, and patted me lightly on the back. I got up and limped over to Cat, collapsing in her arms as I reached her.

Cat helped me out to her car, and drove us both to the hospital, never leaving my side once.

I Don't Need You || JORI || Girl x GirlWhere stories live. Discover now