Thirteen - Help Me

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Two weeks. That's how long it had been since the incident with Tori. No texts, no calls, nothing from her. I had sent her copious amounts of messages, but each one had been greeted with radio silence. I'd never felt more ashamed of myself ever. I couldn't believe what I had done, and I wouldn't have if it hadn't have plagued my nightmares every single night since. It should be plaguing me, it should be hurting me, and stopping me from sleeping. I hurt the one person I loved, after promising never to do anything to hurt her. I just miss her, I miss her so much. I miss her kisses, her sleepy pillow talk in the mornings, her attempts at flirting, the way she stared at me whenever I did something, the way her face would go so red when she caught me watching her back. I missed the cute messages, how excited she would get when her hair matched her bra. I missed her, and it made my heart physically ache.

After the incident, I didn't go to school, not for those two weeks. I was due back today, and I really wanted to just stay at home, and spend the day in bed, crying and staring at photos of me and Tori. Beck knew what had happened, as did Robbie. They'd said their piece to me, and told me how wrong it was. They still wanted to be my friends, but why? I was a monster, just a monster that hurt everyone she touched. Beck had kept me updated over the last week, and the teachers had been emailing me homework to complete. My stomach churned when he told me that Tori had been spending some time with Cat. My brain went to worse case scenario, and I told myself that they were together, that she loved Cat, that Cat was better than me.

When I arrived back at school after the two weeks off, bag in tow, I walked into the doors and straight over to my locker. My phone went off, and I opened it, with high hopes that it was Tori. It was, finally!

Baby; 8:05 AM; Hey, this is awkward.. I know we haven't spoken for a couple of weeks, and I never wanted to do this over text, but I think we should break up. I don't want to be with you anymore. I'd prefer it if you would delete my number and refrain from contacting me again please.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I read the message over and over again, trying to find the funny in it, trying to convince myself that it was a joke. I wanted to reply, but I told myself that it was best not to at the minute. Not while my emotions ran so high. I turned my phone off and threw it into my locker, burying my head in there as well. I sobbed quietly into my locker. I didn't hear the footsteps walk up behind me, and I only realized that someone was there when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I span around with a tear stained face, and a sad smile, hoping, praying that it was Tori, but I was greeted by Beck and Robbie instead. "Jade, what's wrong?" Surprisingly, it was Robbie who was asking. I didn't see his puppet anywhere. I let out a small laugh, "Tori dumped me through a fucking text. No contact in two weeks and when I come back to school, I'm dumped." I sobbed out, burying my face in my hands as both Robbie and Beck put their arms around me. "And now, she's s-spending all this ti-time with Cat! It's h-happening all o-o-over again!" Beck rubbed my back until I had calmed down,and spoke to me in a soothed tone. "Let me help, yeah?" I nodded gently, and went to see Lane so I could talk to him about how I was feeling.

TORI'S P.O.V. ||

I hadn't seen Jade since the incident a couple of weeks ago. All I wanted to do, was see her, and telling her everything would be okay, and that I could forgive her, but I knew it probably wasn't wise right now. Cat had told me to get some distance from Jade, and had helped me to break up with her. Meaning that she had written the text message, sent it and then taken my phone away from me, switched it off and locked it in my locker. Claiming I needed to focus on school, and on myself. I kept telling myself that she was just trying to help, but all I wanted to do was message Jade and talk this through with her. When I had finally seen Jade it was at lunch time. I was sat at one of the tables out in the eating are, by myself. Cat had gone home early due to an appointment, so I had no one to eat lunch with. I glanced around at the table, hoping to see Jade, and when I did, she was already staring at me. Tears were filling her eyes, and I turned my gaze down to my food. I looked up as a shadow cast over my table.

"Oh, hey Beck. What's up?" I smiled at him, as I opened my box of food, Beck pointed over to the spot next to me, "That space free?" I nodded, and he took a seat next to me, placing his bag next to him. I glanced over at where Jade was once sat, and I was disappointed to find out that she had left. I scanned around looking for her, but I couldn't see her. "Tori, can we talk about something?" Beck picked up a burrito out of his lunch pack and took a bite, I nodded, and listened intently to what he wanted to speak about. "I know what happened with Jade, she told me everything. She also told me that Cat had kissed you, and that you were telling the truth. She feels absolutely awful. I'm not asking you to run and forgive her, fuck no, all I'm asking is that maybe you speak to her. Through text or face to face, but she still deserves to be heard out." I nodded again, and looked down at my food. "I actually have a confession to make Beck.." His eyes perked up, "I'm listening." 

I sighed, and handed him my phone, it was open on the breakup message. "I didn't send that, Cat did, she then took my phone and put it away in my locker. I figured she was up to something more when she sent the message, but I didn't have the strength this morning for an argument." Beck smiled at me, and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I think you need to talk to Jade, about that message and about how you really feel T."

The bell for lunch rang, and me and Beck left to go our separate ways. I sent Jade a text quickly, as I walked into the Janitorial closet.

13:02 ; Me ; Janitorial closet, 5 minutes, let's talk.

Jade was there within what seemed to be seconds, and she pulled me into a loving embrace. "Tori, I am so, so sorry. I believe you now, I know you didn't do anything. I didn't mean to hurt you." I embraced her back. "Jade, it's okay, I forgive you." She sobbed as she pressed her lips against me, we both did. We sat on the floor, and I explained that Cat took me to the hospital after the incident, how I didn't know that it was her that I called until she answered the phone, and about how Cat sent the message from my phone. 

None of it mattered, I just knew everything would be okay. I texted Cat that night after school, telling her that I didn't want any contact with her, and after a month of harassing calls and visits late at night, the court finally granted me and Jade a restraining order against her. Everything would be okay now.

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