Seven - The Fight

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My mom dropped me off at the school gates, and I walked in slowly. I was tired, no, scratch that, exhausted. I'd messaged Jade last night, and we spent a lot of the night talking about what had happened with Andre, and then we spoke about what had happened in the main hallway with Cat. Something that I still hadn't managed to wrap my head around, but what I do know is that I don't have any feelings for Cat whatsoever. I think of her more like a little sister. I think that's all I've ever seen her as.

I stopped by my locker on the way to my first lesson of the day, Drama, with Sikowitz. Sikowitz was a very confusing teacher. He didn't like to wear shoes, he loved coconuts, and he always looked slightly like a homeless man. I guess homeless chic is just his thing. It must be. The only problem I had with the lesson was the fact that I had to be around Cat, Andre and Jade in such a small space, and after what had transpired over the past few days, I was afraid of what was going to happen when they were all put in a small room together. I knew Andre wouldn't kick off, but I know Cat, and I know she'll make a comment that she thinks is funny, and Jade and Cat don't have a very good relationship, not since the cheating scandal anyway..

What am I meant to do? I walked into class and took a seat at the front, on the right hand side. Cat was sat over on the left side of the room, and she looked sad that I hadn't sat with her, Andre sat at the back and was still avoiding my eye contact, and Jade was sat in the middle row of the side I was on.

"Okay, today we are going to do some alphabetical improv. What is alphabetical improv you ask? So I answer, is when we give a letter, to the first actor who speaks in the scene. If we use the letter A, as an example, then the actor must make his first word start with the letter A, which might go something like-" Sikowits pointed at Beck to continue.

"Apples are falling out of my butt." Everyone laughed, and Sikowits continued. "Lovely. Now, the next actor who speaks, must start his line with the next letter in the alphabet, in this case B, so he might say-" He gestured at Andre to say something. "Bring those apples, so that we may all enjoy the fresh fruit from Beck's butt." Sikowits laughed.

"Charming. Now, who wants to lead the first group?" I immediately stuck my hand up, this was a chance to get myself recognized as a leader, and a brilliant actor. "I do." I spoke confidently, and Sikowits nodded.

"Alright. Tori choose your actors." I slowly got out of my seat, and climbed up onto the small stage at the very front of the classroom. "I pick Cat, Beck, Robbie... And Jade." I smiled at Jade as she raised an eyebrow at me, I nodded, and beckoned for her to come up on the stage with me.

They all joined me on the stage, one after the other, Beck to my left, with Cat, and Jade immediately to my right, with Robbie. She was so close I could feel the warmth from her skin radiate onto mine, and my arm broke out in goosebumps as I shivered.

"Now! You all know the rules of this exercise, correct?" Sikowits glanced over at us, and smiled as we all nodded.

"Okay, good. Then it shall go as follows. First, Tori shall speak, then Cat, followed by Beck, Robbie and finally Jade. Any questions? No? Let us begin!" Sikowits took a seat at the front of the room to see how we would do in this exercise and watch us closely, while sipping on the milk of his coconut.

As he had said, I started.

Me ; "And how are we all today?"

Cat ; "Brilliant, and you Beck?"

Beck ; "Cat, I am doing fantastic, Robbie?"

Robbie ; "Darling I'm fabulous, Jade?"

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