Five - Rebecca

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I got home around 6, my mom wasn't home. She was at work, so I went into the kitchen and quickly slapped together a sandwich. I opened up The Slap and began to scroll through it, when I got a notification. 'Tori Vega is now online'. Maybe I should text her? Although the question remained the same, who would I say I was? What was I meant to say?

There was a girl that joined a couple of days ago, that never had any of the same classes as Tori, and spent her free time in the library or back at home, her name was Rebecca. I could say that I got her number from the guidance counselor, she'd never think to ask Lane..

18:06 ; Me ; Hey, this is Tori, right?

Tori ; Yeah, who is this? The number isn't saved.

Me ; It's Rebecca, Lane gave me your number and said I could talk to you anytime I had an issue?

Tori ; Oh, hi! Yeah, that's fine with me!

Me ; How are you doing?

Tori ; I'm okay thank you, just finishing off homework, how are you?x

Me ; Same actually, but i'm okay thank you x

Tori ; Good! What did you originally want to speak to me about?x

Me ;  I was wondering if I could speak to you about Jade?x

This is my chance, I can see what she think's about me, and then maybe, just maybe, I could talk to her properly..

Tori ; Yeah sure, what about her? She isn't bullying you is she?x

Me ; No no, nothing like that, she's been super nice to me. I was just wondering if I could get your opinion on her?x

Tori ; I don't actually know that much about her, Andre warned me to stay away from her because apparently she wanted to "bully me", but I've walked past her several times and she doesn't say or do anything.. x

Me ; Maybe Andre was lying?x

Tori ; Yeah.. Maybe.. He has been a bit clingy lately x

Wait. Andre had warned her to stay away from me? Was that because he had a thing for her, or because he's still mad that I rejected him? Either way, I guess I know what Tori really thinks about me now? She isn't avoiding me actively, and she isn't scared of me. She doesn't even hate me..

Me ; Have you ever thought about actually speaking to Jade about all of it?x

Tori ; Maybe one day. As for now, I have to finish my homework, grab dinner and get ready for tomorrow, I'll text you when I can, and if I don't speak to you before tonight, then goodnight in advance xx

I left it at that and set my phone down on my bed, heading into the bathroom with the aim to shower. I took my time with this shower, making sure to do my face scrub, and wash my hair. When I was finished, I wrapped a towel around myself, and walked back into my bedroom. I opened several drawers of my dresser and pulled out what I needed. Underwear, sports bra, vest top and pajama shorts. My comfies, but also my pajamas at the same time. I'd usually just spend my time in these until I decided I needed to get some sleep. I didn't have a tendency of going out, I preferred to stay indoors.

I towel dried my hair, and then got my clothes on. I stuck my phone on charge, and loaded up Netflix on my TV, binge watching the same program I'd watched countless times while I just played on my phone.


I'd just had dinner, and managed to finally finish my homework, but something wouldn't leave my mind.. Why did Andre warn me about Jade? What was so bad about her that he had to warn me? What if he'd just made it all up, and I was in fact the one avoiding Jade because of nothing? I had to clear it up. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket where it had been sitting this whole time, and I was kind of disappointed to see that Rebecca hadn't messaged me back. Maybe after I speak to Andre I'll message her, and see how she's doing.

20:42 ; Me ; Andre, can I speak to you about something?

I got a response almost immediately, like his phone was already in his hand at the time.

Andre ; Of course, Lil' T. What's up?

Me ; Why did you warn me about Jade?

There was typing on and off for a couple of minutes, before the typing stopped altogether. I set my phone down, and went for a shower. When I returned, I noticed that Andre had sent me a message back, and it looked like a long one.. I unlocked my phone and began to read.

21:03 ; Andre ;  I knew you'd ask me that eventually. I don't want this to come from the wrong person, and I certainly don't want this to be twisted around in anyway. The reason why I warned you about Jade is because I have feelings for you, Tori. I have for a while, and I knew the real reason that Jade was looking for you, wasn't to cause you any trouble, or to 'bully' you as I had said, it was because she wanted to ask you on a date, and get to know you better. I didn't want her to steal my chance from me before I could tell you how I really felt. It was wrong of me, and I was a coward. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

I looked at my phone, astounded, and screenshotted the message. I opened the chat with Rebecca and sent it to her, commenting that I finally found out why he didn't want me near Jade. I just couldn't believe it. I had been lied to, by someone who was meant to be my friend.

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