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- Drink something. You must be thirsty. - Saying this, V approached Jungkook and pulled out a glass filled with transparent liquid.

Not sure how much Jungkook recovered, he put the glass to his mouth, but all the time he held it in his hands so that the boy would not let it slip out of his hands. The brunet put his hands on his and dipped his lips in liquid. The boy's hands were pleasantly warm, the skin was smooth. This sudden contact caused V to feel strange pressure in his stomach. He held his breath and watched the boy intently. After a while, Jungkook emptied his entire glass and looked at him with a gentle smile.

- Thank you. - His voice was still hoarse, his throat burned.

At the very thought that the boy probably ripped his throat, screaming in pain, V tightened his jaw. If he could, he would kill this vampire again for what he did to him.

- Kookie, you don't have to thank me for anything. - V replied, placing the empty glass on the cabinet near the bed and sat down next to Jungkook.

Intense smell of V's perfume reached the brunet's nostrils and he involuntarily inhaled the vampire's scent deeply into his lungs and closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the wonderful and familiar aroma. Now he didn't even care that V might notice what he had done. It didn't matter to him. Surrounding himself with this fragrance, he felt safe.

V looked at the brunet's face. The boy looked much better. His blood helped him regain his strength. Dark circles were still visible beneath his eyes, but V was convinced that just frew more hours of sleep would be enough and his face would regain its former glow. The bite marks on his neck were barely visible. What worried him more was the fact that he could not erase those terrible memories that imprinted permanently on his memory. He couldn't erase the pain that the vampire had inflicted on him, and the additional awareness that it was all his fault made him want to fall to Jungkook's knees and beg forgiveness a million times. He knew that even this millionth time would not be enough. The brunet, as if he noticed a sense of guilt that was painted on his face and instinctively put his hand on his palm.

- V... - He whispered and the vampire looked up and looked him in the eye.

 - He whispered and the vampire looked up and looked him in the eye

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