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Jungkook felt he couldn't breathe. He could still hear Baekhyun's words in his head.

The vampire was right.

Maybe V really loved him. Maybe he was telling the truth, calling him important, but so what? How much will they be together? A year? Two? Fifteen years? Forty? Jungkook will die and V will continue to live. Beautiful as always. And he will find someone else. Forget about him. He may suffer after his death, but eventually he will forget about him. He would find someone else, maybe even prettier. Someone he'll love. Maybe even harder than him. He would find someone who would make him only a distant memory, and finally forget him completely. He will lose him. No matter how much he wants to keep him...

- Jungkook! Jungkook! - V exclaimed, seeing the boy not responding, he put his hand on his shoulder and shook him gently.

They were now standing in front of the entrance to EXO. The others have already gone to Hobi's house. They were supposed to meet there all together and chill with a drink and good music. Brunet, taken out of thought, looked at him.

- Baby doll, are you okay? - He asked sincerely concerned.

The boy just nodded, but V could not give up so easily. He was convinced that the boy was following him. Only when he left the club, he realized that he was not there. Jungkook left after a short while, but there was something strange about him. He didn't have that sexy smirk on his lips anymore. He was strangely pale and there was something in his eyes as if he had just lost something. V suddenly felt inexplicable nervousness.

- Koo, what happened there? If Baekhyun told you something... - Saying this, he approached the brunet.

Jungkook looked up and looked into his eyes, then looked away. V saw something strange in his gaze, but he could not catch what. The younger man was strangely subdued, he seemed to be absent-minded.

- It's nothing. Let's go now. I'm tired... - He replied and quickly got on V's motorcycle. The vampire felt his mouth go dry and licking his lips instinctively. He ran his hand through his blond hair and looked at Jungkook again, trying to read something from his face.

- Do you want to go to Hobi's? - He asked, though he was convinced he knew the answer.

- No. I want to go home. - He replied without looking at him. - To my workshop. - He added after a while and quickly put the helmet on his head to avoid inquisitive eyes of V. He felt that he was not ready to face him.

The vampire felt a strange twinge at his words. It felt as if Jungkook had slapped him. He wanted to say or do something, but he only clenched his fists tightly, digging his nails into the inside of his hands until he could smell the blood. He spread his hands and saw the characteristic crescent-shaped wounds on the caramel skin. He wiped his hands on his black pants, then without a word slipped his helmet and took the driver's seat, obediently moving towards the workshop.

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