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- Aaaaa!

A loud scream cut the night air, bouncing dumbly off the walls, almost setting them in motion. Brunet jumped to his feet at the sound. A moan of pain almost chilled his veins. He had heard similar screams before. A howl of pain, interspersed with a desperate plea for mercy. Hearing this, he sat huddled in the corner all night, almost afraid to move, as if the slightest noise could draw attention to him.

 Hearing this, he sat huddled in the corner all night, almost afraid to move, as if the slightest noise could draw attention to him

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He remembered how the shouting had stopped...

He knew well that this did not mean that the prisoner finally felt the mercy of his torturer. He could see his dark eyes and it was enough for him to know that the vampire did not know the word "mercy". The only thing that could set them free was death.

Later he saw the vampire pull out a strange blackened body and leave the basement. He didn't ask about anything, he preferred not to know what had happened to him and what caused this result. At the very thought, he had the feeling that he would vomit. He didn't want to put himself at risk, he knew that as long as he was useful, he would live. Although he wasn't sure he could call it life.

For many days he was chained like a dog to a chain. He was in a cage, in a basement that smelled musty and damp. Days and nights fused into one. He didn't even know how much time was being held here. At first he tried to count the days, but soon he got lost.

The vampire gave him blood, but he did it at different times. Perhaps when he had a fresh supply or just gave him the leftovers. He was getting enough to survive and be in good condition, but not enough to be full and feel strength. So he was still feeling thirsty.

Does it ever go away?

All in all he didn't know. It was all new to him. Before he came here, he didn't even know that vampires really existed.

He kept thinking back to that evening and cursed it in his heart. If he hadn't been so damn jealous that night and hadn't quarreled with Jackson, maybe nothing had happened. But he was stupid, he brawled about a bartender who flirted with him and ran out of the bar, saying he didn't want to be with him anymore. None of this was true, but he may never have the opportunity to explain it again.

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