1 - Merlin's Son

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Once apon a time, there was a young boy... His name, Merlin.

Freya knew it was time. Her time to go. She loved the months she had with Merlin, seeing him, being together. It was the happiest moments of her whole life. But the last memory she would ever remember, was seeing her Son, holding him in her hands. She would treasure this moment for all of time.
"He is the Son of a great man... Please... Leo Balinor," Freya managed to say to her dear friend Vivian before she remembered no more.

Merlin was awakened by a scared, very scared feeling... Something was wrong. Freya. A knock on his door brought Merlin to his senses, though he frowned in confusion. He knew it was not yet morning, so who would be knocking on their door at this time? Merlin cautiously opened the door to his room, looking around to see where Gaius was. Still sound asleep. Snoring, mind. He thought, heading towards the main door.

As he opened the door, Merlin gasped when he saw a baby in a basket, wrapped in a beautiful dark blue blanket. He noticed a note and bit his lip. He was about to shout if anyone was there, but he knew whoever dropped this baby off would be long gone. Merlin picked up the note, his eyes widened with concern and shock as he recognised Freya's handwriting.

If you are reading this than I have died giving birth to our beautiful baby. I yet to have any idea if it is a boy or girl, but my gut feeling says it will be a boy. I want to name him Leo Balinor. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Please, I know you are upset but do not think this was your fault. I felt weaker every day since the spear injured me. I was amazed I even lasted this long and I am very grateful to spend every second of my time with you. I will repay you, Merlin, one day... For everything you have done for me.
Please protect our son, or daughter. I feel our child is special.
Yours forever,

He had tears in his eyes by the time he finished reading the letter. He couldn't stop himself crying even if he wanted to. Merlin picked up the basket with his baby, Leo in and carried it to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Now what would he do? Merlin had the fate of the kingdom on his shoulders, no one finding out he has magic and now he had a son? There was no way he could manage all of this by himself! Merlin kicked his bed in frustration, not caring if he woke Gaius up. Could the Great Dragon have predicted this? How could he be a Father, if he didn't have one himself to learn from?

Merlin jumped when he heard Leo crying. He pulled himself together. It wouldn't do to have a breakdown. Wiping his eyes from the tears, he gently picked his son up. Merlin couldn't believe it, Leo stopped the moment he was held.

"You have your Mother's eyes," Merlin whispered, with a big grin on his face which made young Leo giggle.

What was he going to tell Gaius? Better yet, what was he going to tell Arthur?! 


       "Merlin, time to wake up!" Gaius said, knocking on the door. He opened it when there was no answer and gasped from shock. There Merlin was, collapsed on the bed, with a baby on his chest and a note lying on his bed. The poor boy looked exhausted.

Deciding to be quiet, Gaius read the note and concern grew on his face. Merlin... Who was like a son to him, had a baby boy? Freya had been alive all this time? Merlin didn't tell me any of this. How could he have kept this from me? But what do we do now!? Leo could not grow up in the castle, could he?

Gaius' thoughts were interrupted when Merlin woke himself up from snoring. Merlin looked around and noticed Gaius staring at him with his eyebrow raised. Merlin looked at Gaius with a sheepish look, shrugging.

"So, as well as protecting the Prince, having the whole future of Camelot in your hands... You now have a son to look after?" Gaius summed up and Merlin collapsed once more.

"Yeah, that's about all of it," Merlin mumbled in reply, about to close his eyes but when he heard the familiar shout of "MERLIN!" He groaned as Leo woke up, crying.

Merlin swore under his breath. "Gaius. Is there any chance you could look after Leo? At least until I get back?" He asked pleadingly, handing his son over to the person he trusted the most. Gaius pursed his lips but nodded.

"Your destiny awaits you, go. Leo will be safe here," Gaius said as Merlin nodded, thankful. Merlin ran out and bumped straight into the Prince himself. He grinned, looking at Arthur, trying to make it seem like he hadn't been up the whole night.

Arthur raised an eyebrow looking at his servant... Friend. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. Arthur thought it was because of Morgana. Like everyone else, they were all worried about her. His Father had sent many, many men out to search for her yet no such luck. They were going out again today, Arthur was close to giving up, but he knew his Father wasn't going to give up any time soon.

"Morgana will be found, Merlin. Don't worry," He said and Merlin blinked before nodding, letting Arthur think that was what was on his mind. "We are going out to the Forest where our Men haven't come back today. Gather the horses will you?" Arthur asked and Merlin resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes Sire. But, surely the King wouldn't send any more of his men to die, we've looked, Arthur..." Merlin trailed off when he noticed the look Arthur had given him. Merlin frowned slightly in confusion more than anything, it wasn't the look Arthur usually gave. It was different... Merlin couldn't place the meaning behind it.

"I am doing as the King orders. He hasn't given up hope, neither should we." Arthur replied and Merlin nodded, keeping his mouth shut for once.

         Arthur looked around gravely as he walked through his men. They had found the bodies in a clearing of the forest, he asked Sir Leon to search for survivors but he had little hope there would be. Just then, Arthur heard a twig snap not far from them and he put his hand up to silence the others. They cautiously looked into the forest and Arthur's eyes widened when bandits came charging at them.

"On me!" Arthur shouted, running at the nearest bandit to fight him. While he didn't that, he searched for Merlin, who he found in a fight... Doing well considering.

"Merlin, watch out!" He had thought too soon as he shouted, seeing another come after Merlin. Arthur finished the one he was fighting, trying to head towards Merlin but never got there. Luckily it seemed there was only a handful of them, so within a few minutes they were dead.

He checked where Merlin was and sighed a quiet relief as he saw Merlin with Sir Leon, looking out of breath but not injured. Why do I care so much about him? His just my friend, a servant. He was fine, like always. While Arthur was having an inner battle with his thoughts, they heard movement in the direction the bandits came from. Arthur got his sword ready, frowning, not really knowing what was coming from the fog. As the fog cleared, he saw long dark hair and a white dress. He held his breath and blinked not once, not twice but three times.


A/N - so what do you guys think? Any questions don't hesitate to ask. Lots of love xo edited ~ 21/10/19.

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