14 - A Storm Brewing

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(AN - a mini timeskip for Leo, he is now seven. Nothing else changes, just need him a little older. *Magic* xo) (Also I got this idea from Doctor Who, so whovians out there - try and guess which episode ;) )

Hunith would never get over how beautiful Camelot was. She was happy that her Son and Grandson had a home here. Her home, back in Ealdor... They were struggling. Many years ago Merlin saved her village from starving to death. But this time... It was something else. Something that everyone was frightened of. They needed help and Cendrid was doing nothing. He said that such a beast did not exist.

"Grandma!" She grinned, despite of everything when she saw Leo running towards her with Sir Gwaine behind him. Leo had grown, he was tall for a seven year old. She hugged him tightly as she noticed what he was wearing, a Knights attire. She was proud of Leo and he was everything she could wish for. "Leo, my boy. How you've grown!" She said, not being able to hide a sad smile. "Hello, Sir Gwaine." She said a few moments later and Gwaine grinned.

"Hi, Hunith. As lovely as it is to see you, what brings you here?" Gwaine said in concern and Hunith sighed. "I'd like to have an audience with the King." She spoke and Leo looked up with worry. "Gran'ma?"

    "You are enjoying this a bit much, aren't you, Merls?" Arthur teased in between kissing Merlin. Merlin moaned as Arthur moved his hips in sync with with him and Merlin managed to speak "I'm not the only one." Arthur chuckled, about to reply when there was an urgent knock on the door.

Arthur pushed Merlin off the bed, trying not to laugh at his face, re-organised himself before answered. "Come in!" Merlin moved off the floor in time to see Gwaine, who was smirking at the pair. Merlin raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Everything okay, Gwaine?" Merlin asked which wiped the smirk off Gwaine's face. "No. Arthur Hunith wishes to speak to you urgently." Merlin's eyes widened with shock and worry, running out of the room. Arthur walked out quickly, with Gwaine by his side.

"I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Gwaine teased and Arthur tried his best not to blush. "Not the time, Gwaine!" He said authoritatively. Gwaine snorted. That answered his question.

When they got to the hall, Arthur saw Leo and Merlin hugging Hunith and Arthur smiled sadly. What had happened? "What's going on?" He asked when he reached them and Hunith bit her lip. She remembered that Uther didn't send a few men to aid them... But this was Arthur...

"There is a beast in Ealdor and surrounding villages, yours included. We can't identify what it is but it seems to be attacking at night. We asked Cendrid for help but he refused, saying that what we described didn't exist... But, we can't afford to loose more people. I know Ealdor is not in your Kingdom -" Hunith was rambling, clearly nervous and Arthur put his hand up to stop her from talking.

"Take a breath, Hunith. Gaius, do you know anything from her description?" Arthur questioned and Gaius shook his head. "I'd have to research, take a look at the victims." Gaius spoke and Arthur nodded, smiling a friendly smile at Hunith.

"We will get there as soon as possible." Hunith let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Thank you, Sire."

     "I'm coming with you, Pa!" Leo spoke as Merlin packed, getting ready to prepare the horses. Merlin looked at his son, smiling sadly. He knew there was nothing he could say to stop Leo from going. He patted Leo on the shoulder, nodding once. "There's nothing I can say to convince you otherwise, is there?" He questioned and Leo shook his head.

"No. Pa, Alfred is there. What if something happens to him?" Merlin gave Leo a one armed hug. "I'm sure he will be fine, Leo. Go and pack, we'll be there a few days. If anything at all happens to you, please use magic to protect yourself -" Merlin said and Leo was about to argue when Merlin stopped him. "I know you don't want Arthur to find out..."

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