13 - Where is Leo?

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It had been a few months after Arthur had been crowned King and not much has changed. Well, one or two things were different. Arthur went through with his first execution, which was a heartbreaking sight to watch in Merlin's eyes and he stopped Leo from watching. Well, Merlin tried his best to stop his son from watching.

Arthur managed to pass the new law that Magic was allowed in his Kingdom. But there were certain rules they had to follow but the people who had magic, like the druids for example, were more than happy to oblige to the rules. Arthur wrote to Morgana, who is banned from setting in foot in Camelot as not everyone has forgiven her for what she did. But he still believed she has changed. As for him and Merlin... Well. He still couldn't do anything about them being together. It was taking a while to hint to the court about same sex relationships.

It was coming up to Leo's birthday and they (Merlin and Arthur) were planning on having a dinner in the Gaius' place. But it was taking the couple a while to decide what to get for Leo's birthday.

"But he wants to be a Knight so surely we should get him I don't know, Knighty stuff?" Arthur questioned, grinning at his choice of words, he wasn't arguing, he was just... Voicing his opinions. Merlin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Just because Leo loves training and does Knighty stuff," Merlin mocked Arthur who pouted adorably. "Doesn't mean that's what he wants for his birthday! He is turning five, Arthur!"

"What do you think we should get him, then?" Merlin smiled at that. We. They were a we. He thought, about to reply when the door opened to Gaius. Merlin raised an eyebrow.

"I thought Leo was with you, Gaius. He wasn't in his bed this morning." Merlin spoke in concern and Gaius shook his head, frowning deeply. "No, Merlin. I thought he was with the Knights?"

Arthur shook his head, "I've just been with my knights, Gaius. He wasn't there." Just as he finished speaking both Merlin and Arthur looked at each other with worry all over their faces. Leo was missing. But my necklace... It didn't say he was hurt, or being attacked. Where was he?

"I will get Sir Gwaine, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon, Merls. Prepare the horses. We will find Leo." He spoke sincerely and Merlin nodded, trying not to cry. What had happened, Leo? Tell me.

Meanwhile, Leo was tiredly walking through the forest, trying to get his mind of the dream he had just had. It was bad. It involved... Well, he wasn't really sure. It was to do with the final battle, but something had changed. He didn't know what to do about it. So, instead of going to Arthur or Merlin, or Gaius. He decided to walk it out.

Leo liked Arthur being King. He liked the fact that he could now do magic... Without fear. But, he still chose not to. He felt it best for Arthur not to know, for him to figure it out himself. Leo didn't know why he felt this way, but it was like... Like his dreams. He still hadn't forgotten the one he had last year. And with it coming up again, it just stirred up the memories. The dreams of Merlin never coming back one day.

Leo was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice a group of bandits, hiding in the trees. Leo always kept his sword on him. Even though he was young, Gwaine had given him like a mini sword, one they used for training and when Leo was older, he would get a proper sword. But now magic was allowed, he could defend himself. Which was his thought when he heard yelling and charging.

There were only five of them, which Leo thought was strange. But he grabbed his sword first and attacked the first one he noticed. He didn't know why they would attack him. He was a child, what did the bandits want with a child?

"Aw, he is cute. But the King needs to know that just because he has magic back in the Kingdom... It doesn't mean his Father is of the hook." One of the bandits, Leo guessed he was a leader. Leo was struggling, but before he decided on using magic, Leo heard a shout.

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