2 - Morgana's Return

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As they made their way back to Camelot, Merlin couldn't help but overthink every little thing that happened when Morgause attacked Camelot. Poisoning Morgana was the main one he was worried about. Would she tell Arthur, or Uther? What was she planning? Had she even changed? All he knew was that he wouldn't trust her. Merlin would not make that mistake, not if he wanted to keep Leo alive.

As they arrived into the castle, Arthur spoke. "Go straight to Gaius, Morgana." He spoke and Merlin's eyes widened.

"No, wait!" He said and Arthur turned around and raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. "Surely Morgana would be most comfortable in her chambers? Gaius can check on her there?" He questioned and before Arthur replied, Morgana did.

"Merlin is right, Arthur. I would like nothing more than to be in my own bed," She said and Merlin withheld a sigh of relief.

"I will go and get Gaius." And Merlin went before Arthur could say another word.

Merlin practically sprinted back, desperate to see his son more than anything else. He opened the door and grinned when he saw Gaius holding Leo, reading him a book. Gaius smiled as Merlin entered.

"You're back so soon?" Gaius questioned quietly as Merlin closed the door. Merlin nodded. "We found her, Gaius. You are needed in her chambers," He said and Gaius nodded, not surprised that they found her. It was only a matter of time, after all. He handed Leo over to Merlin and looked at Merlin with concern in his eyes.

"How can Leo stay here, Merlin? You won't be able to look after him all the time. What if you don't make it back one day?" Gaius questioned all at once and Merlin's grip of Leo tightened at all the questions.

"I don't know, Gaius. But we can't think about that. The most important thing right now is keeping Leo from sight. From Morgana, Uther... Arthur," He listed off, trying to figure out how any of this was going to work. Gaius nodded, leaving Merlin to himself, focusing on heading to Morgana. They knew she was a traitor. But had no proof. At least not yet.

He walked in just as he heard the end of the story Morgana was telling Arthur. "What matters now is you're here, home," Arthur replied just as Gaius coughed to get their attention. Arthur turned round, having heard the door open.

"About time, Gaius. What took so long?" Gaius chose not to reply as he smiled at Morgana, who looked exhausted more than anything.

"It is good to see you, Morgana," He spoke and Morgana grinned. "You too, Gaius. It's good to be back!" She said while Gaius did all of his normal checks. After a few moments, he turned to Arthur.

"She needs rest, Sire. But she is in perfect health. I suggest we leave her be," Arthur nodded, getting up.

"Of course. Sleep well, 'Gana," He said, patting her shoulder as she got into bed. She smiled as they left. When they finally closed the door, she sighed. This is too easy. Morgause will be pleased. Now, all I need are the tears of Uther Pendragon. She thought, closing her eyes with a planning look on her face.


Morgana walked away from Uther with a grin on her face as she held the cloth.  Not just any cloth. It had the tears of Uther Pendragon which was all she needed to take over Camelot.

Meanwhile, Merlin was with Arthur and the Knights. They were getting back from training, but Merlin was not hiding the fact that he had a lot on his mind. He didn't realising how much concern his silence was giving Arthur.

"You are a puzzle to me, Merlin. I would have thought I would like you being quiet. But, it's just as annoying," He joked, nudging him as they walked behind the Knights. Merlin let out a forced chuckle.

"Are you worried about me, Arthur?" He joked back which made Arthur laugh. I'm always worried, Merlin. He thought as he replied.

"Me? No. But what is wrong, Merlin? You've been acting strangely since Morgana was found," Arthur questioned and Merlin looked at Arthur for the first time in a while. He genuinely seemed concerned. That would be a first.

"It's nothing, Arthur. Haven't been sleeping well, that's all." He replied, not exactly lying. Leo was hard work and his son was always awake. But, Merlin had seen his son's eyes turn a beautiful golden colour. His and Freya's son had magic. Freya knew, but how did she know? He couldn't think of that, letting a sad emotion show in his eyes.

Arthur frowned, seeing the sad look in Merlin's eyes. Without thinking, Arthur put a hand on Merlin's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. He didn't know what came over him, but he knew one thing. He liked hugging Merlin. Which annoyed him more. But this way Merlin couldn't see him blush. "It's going to be alright, Merlin." He whispered.

Merlin was confused as he hugged back, but tried not to think as he hid his head in Arthur's shoulder, trying to hide the tears. How did Arthur know that was what he needed to hear right now?

"Thank you," Merlin whispered back.

A/N- short chapter, I know. Just getting the story started, that sort of thing. Xo edited ~ 21/10/19

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