8- Father and Son

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AN - I'm doing this as a big time skip. By the time these letters are finished, Leo will be four and the Darkest Hour will have begun.

      Leo Balinor was an extraordinary child, Hunith found out as he started to grow up. At the age of two, he could walk properly and talk near enough perfect sentences. When Leo told her that he could remember everything anyone every said to him, well, she would never forget that day. Her grandson had dark brown hair and brown eyes... The spitting image of both Freya and Merlin combined. Hunith thought he would grow up to be quite handsome.

One day when Leo was four, she caught him writing a letter. "Leo, darling. Who are you writing to?" She asked, already knowing the answer. She was surprised to see Leo having quite neat handwriting for a four year old.

"I'm writing to Pa. I'm telling him that I made a friend today!" Leo said with excitement in his eyes and Hunith smiled. Her friend Vivian had had a child, naming him Alfred, after his Father. They were born roughly the same year, but haven't had a chance to properly talk, until today. "May I have a read?" She asked and Leo nodded enthusiastically, handing her the letter and she started to read, interested to see what Leo had to say.

Dear Pa,

How are you? How's Prince Arthur? I want to come back to Camelot and see you, I miss you. I made a friend today! His name is Alfred and we played games, we pretended to be Knights in battle with the brooms. It was a lot of fun (I won!) and I'm hoping we stay friends for ages and ages!
But I'm having dreams, Pa. Dreams that I don't know what they mean. You die in them and I never get to see you again, even Arthur is in them, who seems more upset than I do. What does it all mean?
Your son, Leo.

Hunith had tears in her eyes as she read the letter. Once Merlin got the letter, he did too. "Gaius!" He shouted through his tears. Gaius walked into Merlin's room with concern and was shocked to see Merlin holding a letter, tears rolling down his cheeks and he was clutching to the dragon his Father had made him.

"My boy, what's happened?"

"It's Leo," He said, after trying to collect himself together but failing. "He... He has been having dreams that I die. He mentioned Arthur was in them. What does it all mean?" Merlin questioned without taking a breath. Gaius sat on the edge of Merlin's bed, having a look at the letter himself.

"I suspect that it is just nightmares, Merlin. I don't see any reason to be worried," He spoke with a smile. "I see he has made a friend. That's good!" Gaius said with a grin which made Merlin nod, with a warm smile.

"Yes, I'm happy. I want to see him, Gaius. I miss him." Merlin wiped his eyes as Gaius left him. He returned with paper and a quill and handed them to Merlin. "Write to him."

Dear Leo,

I am Glad to hear you have made a friend. Sword fighting, son? Do you want to be a Knight? It takes lots of practice to be really good at fighting. Alfred could help you out.
I miss you, Leo. I hope we see each other soon. I am well, thank you. It's been quiet here. I could even come and visit you if Arthur would let me. How would you feel about meeting him again?
They are just nightmares, Leo. Well, that's what Gaius says and that is what I hope. Let me know if they keep happening. But just know I am absolutely fine here, I'm safe. There's no need to worry son.
You know your Mother loves you, she wouldn't want you to worry about the dreams too much. To stop them from happening, try and think of something else. Like a lake, a beautiful lake with mountains as a view. I hope this helps. I love you Son.
Your Father,

Dear Pa,

How did you know I wanted to be a Knight? I've been practicing every day and Grandma says I'm getting really good! She says the exercise is good for me. Alfred is getting tired of playing the same game though, so I'll have to think of something else to play the next time we are together.
I would love to see Arthur again. He was very kind to me when he found me in the secret passage way.
I don't think they are just nightmares, Pa. I've been having the same dream over and over. Always the same ending. I'm scared.
The Lake worked, Pa. Thank you.
I love Mother too. Would she be proud of me?
Love Leo

Dear Leo,
I can tell these things, Son. Well done, I'm proud of you. Keep practicing, practice makes perfect, after all.
I'm sure you will think of something, Leo. But if not, why don't you ask him for ideas. See what he wants to play.
I'm still amazed you remember that.
Okay, try not to worry. I will talk to Gaius and see what he thinks. I am glad the lake worked. It was something your Mother used to think about and she loved that place.
She is very proud of you, Leo. As am I.
Your Father,

AN - another chapter out. Hope you enjoyed it. Xo ~ Edited 21/10/19

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