16 - It Takes Two

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Merlin didn't know where he was. What had happened?! There last thing he remembered was... He was searching for herbs for Gaius, right? Then what? What happened after to have him in a dungeon cell?

Where ever he was it was freezing. He tried to move but he had little energy. He mut have put up a fight. But why couldn't he remember who attacked him? Merlin looked around, moving his head in any way to try and figure out where exactly he was. He frowned when he saw pure white in the window cell. He was up North? Morgana was up North spying for Arthur. Was this where she was all this time? He thought, just as he heard movement out of his cell.

As he looked he saw two guards with a young man, who looked strangely familiar. Who was - "Mordred?" Merlin questioned, looking at him with hate more than anything else. He remembered what the Crystals had shown him. Mordred kills Leo. Mordred can't be trusted.

"Hello, Merlin. Morgana wishes to speak to you. If you even think of escaping there's no way you can get out of here alive."  Merlin didn't have the energy to escape even if he wanted to. He allowed the guards to strongly hold him up as he was dragged up the long stairs. Merlin was expecting to be in a throne room but as they finished climbing the stairs... It seemed Morgana wanted to talk to him in her chambers? Was that so that no one could hear them talk?

"Thank you, Mordred. Please shut the door behind you." Mordred smirked in a way Merlin did not like as the guards and Mordred left. Merlin looked up at Morgana, who confused him as she was frowning in concern.

"Merlin, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were involved in this plan. Mordred only knew the basics," Morgana said sincerely and Merlin didn't know who to trust. He was still wary of Morgan's change. He knew that Mordred enjoyed taking him here against his will. The bruises were enough to show that.

"Does Arthur know where you are?" Merlin asked, his voice dry from the lack of water and not talking. Morgana nodded. "Yes, he does. I also sent a letter saying where you are the moment I saw you. He should save you soon, it takes a week to get here from Camelot." She spoke and Merlin did his best not to roll his eyes. A lot can happen in a week.

"Who's the boss man around here and what does he want from me?" Merlin questioned with hate and Morgana bit her lips. She wasn't sure what he wanted from Merlin. But she knew that he wanted the King - and  to get to the King...

"He wants Arthur, Merlin. He wants Camelot." Merlin did something Morgana thought was mad, beyond mad. He laughed. "Merlin, what's so funny about being locked up with no food or water for a week and being used for the knowledge of the walls inside Camelot?" Morgana said in one breath. Merlin grinned as he calmed down.

"Oh, just the fact that if anyone knew me they'd know I would rather die than betray the my King. So, I'm afraid they've wasted valuable time. What you should have done was I don't know, get Mordred and say that his loyalties lie with Camelot and not this man. Then you could have a traitor born just like Agravaine. But then I'd know so it wouldn't work -" Merlin rambled and Morgana rolled her eyes.

"Merlin for once just shut up. That didn't happen. The plan could still work and Arthur will be here to save you either way. I'm just sorry I didn't know it was you they were planning to use, that's all I wanted to tell you." Morgana explanined and Merlin merely smiled a fake smile in response.

"Guards! Take Merlin back to his cell." Morgana knew she would never get Merlin to trust her. There was no point in even trying.

      Meanwhile, it had been two days since Merlin was last seen and Arthur was getting extremely worried. Leo (who had just turned nine) knocked on Arthur's chambers. "Come in," Arthur responded and Leo opened the door with a sad smile on his face. "Oh, Leo. Come here." Arthur said, sadness in his eyes was screaming out. Leo hugged Arthur tightly.

Merlin's Son: A Tale old as Time • MerthurWhere stories live. Discover now