20 - The Dawn of Time

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Sir Xavier, in the dead of night, sneaked into the King's chambers. Revenge heavy on his mind, thinking of the fact that his brother's whole life was spent on the run, the fact that he had never got to love and get to know his family. All thanks to one man - Uther Pendragon. The fact that he had died was a very happy day for Xavier, thinking back on it. But two Pendragon's were still alive. And, well. That just wasn't good enough for him. If Xavier wanted to impress Hades, who took over from Lot's Kingdom when their castle perished, just as Hades was going to do to Camelot... He had to think outside the box.

He went over to Merlin. If he had learnt anything from his time here he knew that King Arthur could not live without Merlin and Merlin could not live without Magic. Xavier knew of an ancient incarnation, from the high priestess themselves, which could strip magic from someone's very soul. If Mordred was right, if the information checks out and King Merlin really was Emrys... well. Arthur would be utterly useless in the battle two days to come. There was an evil smile on Xavier's face as he whispered the spell, his eyes turning gold. He was too deep in the moment that he didn't notice Leo was behind him armed with a sword, shouting -

"PA! NO!" Merlin and Arthur woke with a start to see Xavier on his knees, trapped against Leo who looked fiercely upset and angry more than anything. Before anyone could speak, Merlin gasped. "I... I don't think I have magic... I can't feel it!" There were tears falling down his face and Arthur looked to see Xavier smirking. Arthur gave a cold glare at the Knight. Merlin was right all a long, as always. I should really listen to him, trust his instincts. Arthur hugged Merlin tightly, who looked pale and shocked. 

"Sir Xavier. You will be executed for committing treason at dawn. Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" Arthur growled out and Xavier started laughing, sending shivers down Arthur and Leo's spine.

"You will loose Camelot, fate will take it's cause. Arthur will die in Camlann," He said too cheerfully for anyone's liking. "Guards, take him down to the dungeons!"

Merlin's mind was racing. He didn't know what to think. But he knew one thing, he had to go to the Crystal cave. He had to get there fast. Why did bad things always happen to him? Merlin got up and out of bed and both Arthur and Leo glanced at each other in worry. As Merlin got dressed, Leo spoke.

"Pa?" He questioned and Merlin smiled sadly at his son. "Son. I'm going to the Crystal Cave. You need to hold the fort, look after Arthur." Leo had tears in his eyes that hadn't quite fallen yet. "You don't have any magic..." Merlin sniffed, rubbing his nose as he put on his coat. 

"No, I do not. That's why I have to go. I love you, both of you!" Merlin said softly and Arthur wiped a tear from his eyes. He couldn't do this battle without Merlin. His love had to be there, he just had to be... "Merls, please. Make it back in time... if what he says his true -" Merlin interrupted Arthur by kissing him sweetly and passionately. Merlin couldn't promise that. But he would try and he hoped nothing would get in the way.

       "For betraying the Knights code of honour, for stripping away the King's Magic, it is with great regret to bring this execution forward to you at dawn." Leo couldn't watch. He was glad something had woke him up, a feeling. He was glad he was there, but... I wasn't there in time... He thought just as he felt a nudge from Gwaine. Leo raised an eyebrow in slight confusion. 

"Is this what you wanted to warn them about?" Gwaine questioned quietly and Leo shook his head with a depressed look. "No. I warned them about the battle. A battle I've had nightmares about since I was four." Leo replied honestly and Gwaine grew very concerned. The only other he knew of having constant nightmares was Morgana. Although whether they have stopped or not was another question. Leo looked away as he heard the drums beat increase and then...

Merlin's Son: A Tale old as Time • MerthurWhere stories live. Discover now