10- The Darkest Hour Part2

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AN- tbh, this chapter gets a little ridiculous, but you know what, that's Merlin. And it's my world. Nobody dies, so that's all that matters, right? I don't care either way, enjoy xo

      "Leo called Merlin 'Pa', didn't he? It's alright Gaius, you know you can trust me!" Lancelot said, a few hours later, they had finally got a reluctant Leo to go to sleep so it was just Hunith, Gaius and Lancelot that were still there. What they didn't know, was that Arthur was just outside the door. His world completely frozen. It all made sense.

"It is true, Lancelot. Leo is Merlin's son. He was born in Ealdor, but was raised here in the castle for about a year." Gaius told the truth, speaking quietly but Arthur could still hear them. "Then he was taken to me. Merlin believed he would be safer in Ealdor. Later Morgana and Morgause took over Camelot. Merlin's fear came true but Leo was safe." Hunith explained and Arthur couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"But how does Arthur not know? Sure he can see the resemblance? It's uncanny. Like a young Merlin, but a little chubby and a little bit cuter. What if Arthur were to find out? We all know he loves Merlin but would this be too much?" Lancelot finished and the three went silent. Arthur left, not opening the door. We all know Arthur loves Merlin. He walked into the courtyard and for once, he went straight to the place he knew would not help him. The tavern.

He got there, it didn't take him long at all. Arthur wasn't wearing his Knight uniform but his black loose trousers and his white shirt, with his long brown coat. It was very late so he wasn't expecting many in there. He wasn't surprised to find Gwaine.

"Well if it isn't the Princess!" Gwaine slurred as Arthur sat next to Gwaine after ordering a large tankard of mead, much to the shock of the local owner of the Tavern, who had not seen the Prince in his pub, ever. Not even once.

"Gwaine. Normal night for you?" Arthur questioned with a small smile, the best he could do with what was on his mind. Or with who was on his mind. Gwaine grinned. "Oh yeah. Two fights, the ladies after me... The usual. The real question is what are you doing here?" Gwaine asked as Arthur received his drink, Arthur drank about half in one gulp. Gwaine had to blink a few times in case he was seeing things. He even poked Arthur in the arm a few times.

"Gwaine, what are you doing?" Arthur questioned with raised eyebrows. "Checking you're real and I'm not imagining you. Stop changing the subject!" Arthur sighed and looked at Gwaine.

"What do you truly know about Leo?" Gwaine's eyes widened and of course, in his very drunken state, he didn't think when he replied. "I know he is an amazing child and he will have a very important role in the future here in Camelot..." Gwaine slurred and Arthur raised an eyebrow. Gwaine really cared for Leo. "But who is his Father?"

"It's Merlinnnn" Gwaine giggled and Arthur downed the rest of his drink.

As this was going on, Merlin finally woke up. He was confused at first, but when he was cuddled up with Leo fast asleep, he remembered what had happened. He walked out of their room, making sure Leo had a blanket over him and noticed Lancelot was still there, resting on the wall and sleeping. Merlin smiled. Lancelot was always there for him. Merlin nudged Lancelot awake and Lance yawned, his eyes opening and he grinned seeing Merlin wrapped in a blanket.

"You're awake!" Lancelot whispered and Merlin nodded, gesturing for them to go outside so that they didn't wake the others up. As Merlin closed the door and they walked away and out in the courtyard on the steps. Lancelot finally spoke.

"What happened, Merlin? We were all extremely worried!" Merlin smiled sadly. "I saw someone. An old lady. She looked like she came from the depths of the earth." He whispered, wanting to speak quietly so no one could overhear their conversation. "She called me Emrys."

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