18 - Only the Truth

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"Gaius!" Merlin had knocked but there was no answer. He wanted to see his old friend, his Father figure. He was missing Leo - who had gone back to Ealdor.

Life as a King was a strange one, it took a few months to get used to it. Being called 'Sire' and 'My Lord'. Arthur had also made him Court Sorcerer. Gwen and Lancelot had got married, which was another beautiful wedding. Gwaine and Percival told Arthur of their relationship and that was a very good day in Merlin's book. A very good day indeed.

As he was waiting for Gaius, he sat down on the bench and noticed a potion in a glass bottle. Merlin picked it up to have a look out of curiousity. He lifted the cap off the bottle to smell it and instantly became sleepy, the potion dropping on the floor, exploding a little as it did. Merlin passed out.

When Gaius came back to his place, which was ever so quiet now Merlin was gone, Gaius did not expect to see the King passed out on his bench with his face all black from the exploded potion. Gaius sighed. He had thought too soon.

"Merlin!" Gaius nudged Merlin, slapping him a few times to get him to wake up. Merlin stirred and Gaius sighed with relief. "Sire!" Merlin frowned, opening his eyes to see Gaius and he grinned. "Gaius! You don't need to call me Sire!" Merlin told Gaius and Gaius nodded.

"I do, Merlin. What did you do this time, eh? Arthur will be worried sick." Gaius questioned and Merlin remembered everything that went on. "He will be worried but he shouldn't be. I smelt your potion and I passed out. It was stupid of me, I know."

Gaius groaned. He had a vague idea of what situation Merlin was now in. "Merlin, tell me. What's your favourite colour?"

"Arthur's golden eyes," Merlin said straight away and Gaius hummed, with raised eyebrows. "And when you first met Arthur what did you think of him?"

"That he was a royal prat!" Merlin's eyes widened. "Wait, what? Gaius..." Merlin warned, expecting an explanation. "Sire, you just dozed a sampling of a truth potion. Lasting for twenty four hours." Merlin started to bang his head on the table.

"I won't last two hours," Merlin stated in between banging his head. Gaius sighed at Merlin's dramatics. "Just explain to Arthur that you were an idiot and he'll understand!"

"Oi!" Merlin complained. "You shouldn't call your King an idiot!" Merlin pouted and Gaius chuckled. "Ah but I have done since you got here, Merlin. Now go on and find Arthur. Off you pop." Gaius ordered and Merlin groaned, leaving Gaius in search for Arthur.

He bumped into Gwen on the way, though. He grinned, perking up. "Hello, Gwen. You're looking lovely today!" Merlin said cheerfully and Gwen smiled sweetly. "Thank you Merlin. How are you today?"

"I am well. Well, not really. I have to tell the truth for twenty four hours, thanks to Gaius. But apart from that, I'm good." Merlin rambled in one breath and Gwen had to blink a few times to wrap her head around what Merlin just said. He couldn't lie? Interesting... She smirked.

"So, Merlin. When did you first find out you loved Arthur?" Merlin's eyes widened but he spoke before he could stop himself. "I can't pin point the exact moment, Gwen. I think... Maybe it was when he saved Leo when he was a baby... But there other times too.." Merlin covered his mouth and Gwen giggled.

"Sorry, Merlin. I had to ask. I was curious. I'll leave you alone now," Gwen teased, "Good luck with Arthur." She added with a grin, walking by quickly before Merlin could reply.  Merlin groaned inwardly, he just hoped he wouldn't bump into Gwaine.

Merlin entered his and Arthur's chambers and Arthur was sitting at his desk writing on parchment with a small frown on his face. Merlin smiled, coughing to get Arthur's attention. Arthur looked up and grinned. "Merlin! Where have you been?" He questioned and Merlin bit his lip nervously.

Merlin's Son: A Tale old as Time • MerthurWhere stories live. Discover now