Part 3-The Venus Company

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(At the top is a photo of Coast Corp lab.)

Somewhere in a science lab, a woman was working when a bottle of very dangerous chemicals fell beside her so she turned to see what had just happened. A hand grabbed her by the throat lifting the small woman off the ground. "Where's Isabelle?!" The figure shouted. It was a woman's voice.

"She went home for the night, I'm the last one here." The scientist told the woman figure. The scientist was dropped to the ground and then acid dropped onto her burning her skin killing the scientist.

The Next Day

Logan punched Nevaeh and she blocked it with her forearm then she quickly hit Logan in the gut. "Keep your guard up." Nevaeh ordered. Logan used his other hand and tried to grab her arm, but Nevaeh teleported kicking Logan in the face. He fell onto the ground holding his face.

"Ouch, you can kick hard." Logan replied.

"Keep your GUARD up!" responded Nevaeh helping Logan up. "That's enough for today." Logan and Nevaeh were cleaning up when Vivian came into the gym holding a tablet.

"There was another meta attack, the meta killed a scientist in the Venus Company." Vivian told Logan who was already heading to suit up.

Nevaeh and Vivian went to the lab to get ready to oversee Logan where Finley was working on something for Winston. It was some chemistry work on the dark matter situation in Coast City.


When Logan got to the lab, he saw a woman standing by the door kind of hiding from CCPD officers who were investigating the crime scene of the dead scientist. "Titan, that's the head scientist of the Venus company. Go talk to her." Vivian told Logan.

"Oh my, don't sneak up on people like that....wait, you're Titan." The lady said. "I know who did all this, she is my sister, Talia." explained the Hispanic woman with curly hair and a lab coat on. "She was looking for me. That's why my partner was killed in there." Isabelle continued saying.

"Come with me, let's get you to safety." Logan said as he lead the lady to a car he had used to get here. "I have to blind fold you to bring you to a safe place." Logan who was still disguised as Titan told the lady handing her a black blindfold.

"Ooo kinky." She muttered under her breath. Logan laughed a bit before starting to drive off back to CC base.


Stella was squatting at the lab looking over the dead body of the scientist. "She was killed by acid. You can tell by the all the burned up skin on her body." Stella said to an officer with her who wrote that down.

Captain Gomez came over to Stella after talking to security who didn't see anything which meant she had access into the lab. "The security cameras weren't on, how typical of a lab like this." Gomez told Stella who looked over at the door which the handle was burned into a pile of metal liquid like substance.

"The person who did this used acid to get in. So they had to be a scientist or something to get that much acid to do that, right?" asked Stella.

"Right." Gomez said as she examined the door's handle.


Asher was on the phone with Quinn as he walked home from his band's practice. "Has Danny even came to work in the last couple of days?" He asked the girl on the other line.

"No, and he has been very different, he never keeps secrets and lately that's all he does." Quinn said with a hint of anger, but she was mostly worried.

"Okay, good, I am not the only one then." Asher replied before turning on the street heading home.

"Just keep an eye on him and maybe call Kathy, his aunt, they are close, maybe she can get through to him." suggested Quinn as she hung up.

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