Part 19-City of Water

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3 Days Later

"Logan, I think it's time the team, focuses on something else, rather than searching for Winston 24/7. It's unhealthy...we need to find Winston, obviously, but it shouldn't be our first priority right now. The city is going crazy with metas and their uncontrollable powers." Finley explained before closing his eyes scared of what Logan was going to say.

"Winston is priority number 1." Logan muttered as he looked at Nevaeh who just came into the lab.

"Yes...he is." Nevaeh added while sitting at a computer next to Vivian who was staring at Logan.

"But you two both know that our job is to take care of the metas that WINSTON created when he tricked us." Vivian told the two. "The meta problem is slowly getting worse."

Logan stood up from his desk to the side of the computer table where Finley, Vivian, and Nevaeh were sitting. "Well, once we figure out what our 'priorities', have someone text me." Logan shouted before stomping his way out of the lab. Nevaeh looked over at Vivian who rolled her eyes at Logan's rudeness. Finley stood up and grabbed his coat.

"I'm going to Coastal Bar for a meeting with Zoey and Asher," Finley said as Vivian smirked at Finley before Finley added, "Not a date with me and Zoey, obviously not, she doesn't even see me as a date-like-person. Just friends, friends." Finley mumbled the last part which made Vivian crack up a bit while Finley left. Nevaeh was very confused and just went back to work.


Stella was sitting at her desk when a police officer came over with a folder and he handed it to her while saying, "A guy with big curly hair like an afro style gave it to me and told me to give it to you."

Stella took the folder opening it and saw a bunch of blood samples. The officer had already left when Stella mumbled, "Xavier Jaquis. Who?...Oh...the Shadow." Stella went over to her computer typing in Xavier's name seeing that he was dead and now she was confused why Finley would have given this to her. She kept looking over the file over and over.


Logan saw Olivia sitting at a table with her mother, Carla. Logan quickly walked over kissing Olivia on the head before sitting down right next to her. "Hi Carla, how have you been?" asked Logan as he grabbed onto Olivia's hand.

Carla looked down and said, "Good." She wasn't as happy and loud as she normally is so Logan knew something was up.

"What's the matter?" Logan asked concerned. Olivia sighed looking over at Logan squeezing his hand.

"Umm...I got a new job as a head reporter." Olivia told Logan. He smiled and squeezed her hand back.

"That's great!" When neither of the ladies replied with the excitement Logan had, he added, "Isn't it great?"

"It's in Central City," Olivia replied as Logan pulled his hand away from hers quickly.

"Wait, what?!...does that mean you have to move away?!...what about us?" Logan asked every question getting quieter.

"Yes...I have to move to Central City, the only thing is that...I was wondering if you could move with me, you used to live in Central City with your family."  Olivia said trying to reach for Logan's hand again.

"Yeah, the place my family was destroyed, where my father and mother both died. Where my brother left me with my cousin's family?" Logan shouted loudly making Olivia and Carla both look around to make sure no one was watching them.

"Look Logan, I love you, but I also love my job." said Olivia. "Getting the job as a head reporter has always been my dream."

"I know, I know, can we just talk about this later or something? I'm gonna go for a walk." Logan said as he got up leaving the restaurant. Olivia turned towards her mom and said, "Well, that could have gone better."

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