Part 20-A Titan is Born

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A week after "Winston's" Death

In the bar called Coastal Bar late at night, Logan was working while Stella and Quinn sat at the bar, Quinn drinking a martini while Stella just drank a soda, "I'm just so glad that is all over with. This is so tiring, going to work and being this hero, which I love obviously, but it's so much work and laziness is kinda my thing." Quinn rambled. Stella took a sip of the soda zoning and staring at Logan.

"Are you okay, Stella?" He asked noticing her staring off looking at nothing.

"No...I'm not," Stella started, "First off, my boyfriend is actually a murder of so many people plus he was a shadow thing. Secondly, my brother came back from the dead somehow and he hasn't reached out yet. Thirdly, my brother killed that boyfriend and guess what, that boyfriend is the one who killed my brother." Quinn was quite drunk already when she asked, "Take a drink, sis, you need it." Quinn pushed her drink over to Stella who refused.

"That is a lot. I also have a lot on my plate as well, with Olivia breaking up with me and she is heading to Central City in a couple of days." Logan told both ladies as he slide down a beer to a girl on the end of the bar who was watching Logan do his bar tending. Stella got a text so she looked seeing a message from Hayden telling Stella to come to an address without telling anyone. She got up and grabbed her coat, saying, "Okay, I have to go to the station, Carla has something for me to do." Stella walked out of the bar while Quinn got up stumbling so Logan quickly got out from behind the bar catching Quinn in his arms, helping her stand straight.

Just after Stella left, Carla came into the bar knowing Logan was working, she had a worried look on her face, "Logan, I know this is a hard time for you, but have you seen Olivia, she hasn't returned any of my texts or calls all day." Carla stated while she held up a phone showing Logan who sat Quinn down in a chair, taking the phone, seeing all the missed calls and texts Olivia has not responded to. "This is Olivia's phone, it was in her apartment with her purse and other things she never leaves with out."

"Olivia. Where is she?" Logan asked more to himself than to Carla, but she responded, "I don't know, officers are already out looking for her. Just thought you should know that she is missing plus if you find her...just call me if you see her."

Carla quickly walked back out of the bar after looking at a sleeping Quinn as she turned around. Logan grabbed his phone from in his back pocket and texted Vivian.

"Quinn!" Logan shouted trying to get her attention, but she didn't respond, even snoring a little. Logan sighed and went over to Quinn picking her up, "I should've stopped you five martinis ago."


"Help! Help me, please!" shouted Olivia tied up in a chair scared and terrified. Olivia heard footsteps coming towards her so she turned to look at the person seeing Winston. "Where am I?! Who are you!?" asked Olivia loudly.

"Just calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. Kind of just need you to get Logan here so that we can have the fight I deserve," Winston said to Olivia.

"What are you going to do to Logan?" She asked the older guy.

"What do you think?" Winston stated smirking, "I want to see him dead in the ground just like every meta should be."


"Logan just called me and Olivia is missing, she hasn't been seen all day and her mom is worried." Vivian said as she sat at the desk looking over at Finley who ran into the room from his little lab. Nevaeh came strolling in as well going over to Vivian and saying, "Can you find her?"

"Yes...but it might take some time...Unless." Vivian started to stare at Finley who was seated right next to her.

"Fine, I'll call Zoey." Finley said before fumbling for his phone that was tucked in his pocket. He dialed her number and then put the phone up to his ear, "No answer. That's weird. It went straight to voicemail."

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