Part 4-Clubbing Disaster

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A week later

A guy with long dreadlocks and green eyes that weren't normal was tied up on a telephone pole waiting to be taken to Iron Heights.

"Good job, Logan, that meta had some cool powers and I entered him into our log as Jumico." Finley told Logan as Logan hopped from building to building heading home for a date with Olivia. The guy's powers were controlling people with just looking into someone's eyes.

"Okay, I gotta go, tell Winston that I will contact him later tonight about me tracking down another meta." Logan replied to Finley.

"Have fun with that hottie you got." Finley said as he glanced over at Vivian who walked in.

"Viv, stop acting like that." Vivian rolled her eyes and went to her computer to continue her work while Finley left the room for a break.


In an undisclosed location, Hayden was in a room with a bunch of computers sitting back while a lady typed away.

Gia, Hayden's girlfriend, came into the room with bad news. "Hayden, the lady you've been looking for is in Coast City." Gia told him.

"What? Where?" Hayden asked very confused and right away angry. He stood up and directed the lady at the computer to find where this woman is at right now.


"Now let's see what your powers truly are." Kathy said as she stood on the roof of Danny and Asher's apartment. Danny had shoes on because he didn't want people to see him without them.

There was a dummy in front of Danny and Kathy was behind him waiting for Danny to do something. He slashed at the dummy cutting claw marks through it. "Woah," Danny held his mouth opened for a second before using his other hand to slash again making another mark making an X in the dummy.

"Good job, now how about you lose the sunglasses and take off the shoes because they are hurting you. I can tell." Kathy instructed.

"I can't Kathy, I don't want..." Danny mumbled before Kathy cut him off.

"No, Danny, you are stronger than letting people get to you because you have weird feet and golden eyes. Hell, I had to learn control of this." Kathy's eyes glowed red before a red force field formed around her. The force field soon went away making Kathy look at Danny. "That happened every time I got scared or stressed. And I don't even want you to know what happened when I got angry." Kathy smiled and then Danny took off the glasses and shoes throwing them to the side.

"Now jump over to that building." It was about 15 feet away with a 50 foot drop. Kathy gestured for him to go and Danny knew he had a good jump now, but he wasn't sure about this.

"I don't...okay fine." Danny started to run for the edge closing his eyes as he jumped for the other building and he felt his feet hit the building so he opened his eyes. "How did I just do that?" He was about 10 extra feet on the new building he is now on top of.

"I knew you could do it!" Kathy shouted from across the roofs.


Logan got back home just in time for his big date with his girlfriend. It was their two year anniversary and he was taking her out to the most expensive restaurant in Coast City, Garden View Galleria. He has been saving up for months for this night.

"Hey Livy, I'm back. Work was difficult today." Logan said as he entered the apartment.

Olivia was standing in the living glaring at Logan in a tight black dress holding her purse. "I'm going out tonight with Quinn, Zoey, and Stella. I'll be back after."

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