Part 11-Magnus

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3 Days Later-Ferris Air

Deep underground in the company of Ferris Air, Rose had her knifes out while Hayden pointed his shotgun at something, Vivian was pointing a small pistol at someone while Finley was in the middle helping Titan stand because he was barely able to.

The five were being surrounded by a bunch of Ferris Air security guards, with a guy coming over and Hayden knew he was head of security, he walked over saying, "Put the weapons down and we won't have to kill you." He pointed a rifle at Hayden as Hayden said, "We can't do that..."

Earlier that Day

Logan was chasing after another meta as she ran into a warehouse. The meta burned a hole in the wall to get into the warehouse.

"Heather, where are you?!" Titan called out as he entered the warehouse through the hole in the wall. He got no response so he kept walking and as he turned the corner, Titan saw the young girl who had stolen some cash from a small store in downtown Coast City laying on the ground with blood all around her.

"Vivian, are you seeing this?" Logan asked as he knelt down to inspect the body.

"Yes," Vivian said as she saw the slash mark on Heather aka Hotwave named by Finely, "She's dead...that means the Shadow is there with you."

Finley stood up and ran over to Vivian to see what was happening, he saw that Logan was looking around for the Shadow, "Get out of there." Finley shouted.

"No, I'm not leaving, finding this Shadow person would help me move on, this is what I need to do." Logan told both of the overseers.

Vivian looked at Finley before saying, "Okay, but be careful, that is a Ferris Air company warehouse. They don't like visitors." Winston was sitting to the side of Vivian and said, "Let him do this, it is how we all move on. Especially him, he lost someone close to him."

Titan had almost finished searching the entire warehouse without seeing any sign of the Shadow. "Maybe it is already gone." Logan muttered very sadden by that. He just wanted to stop the Shadow from killing all of these new meta humans. Some of them haven't done anything wrong.

Just as Logan was about to leave, a man with a black mask on and a scientist lab coat came out of nowhere holding a cannon looking thing and when he pressed the trigger, it hit Logan with a blast that sent Logan flying backwards into a wall knocking him out.

"Logan...are you there?!" Finley shouted when he heard an explosion. Vivian quickly started to type on the computer trying to hack into the system.

"Can't hack into the warehouse's security system." Vivian said as she glanced over at Winston who was standing by Finley now.

"I know someone who might be able to help us." Winston said as he walked out of the lab heading for the Ferris Air company's main office where the mayor works at. Finely pulled out his phone calling someone to come help. Hayden, Logan's brother.


Hayden was standing in the A.R.G.U.S. headquarters when he got the call from Finley telling him about his brother being captured. "I'll be right there." Hayden told Finley as he hung up and saw Gia staring at him wondering where he is going now.

"My brother was taken by a guy in lab coat, sounds familiar to me." Hayden said to Gia as she nodded saying, "So the New Order is back in play being run by Magnus. Great, just great."

"I thought he was killed by Oliver Queen and Batwoman years ago?" Hayden asked his girlfriend.

" was a cover up for them letting A.R.G.U.S. take him in for the
Suicide Squad....he was valuable to the organization until we lost him with the others, Reaper was one of them." She explained.

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