The Newcomers and The Saiyan Cliche

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I was panting and gasping for air. I struggled to stand and glared at my training partners who were snickering at me. I began screaming and turned super saiyan 2 then I teleported in front of Goku and gave him a knee to the face. I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily however, I charged after him and hit him with a hard left hook. He wiped his mouth clean of the blood that began to trickle but before he could attack I was behind Vegeta. He turned around as quick as he could only to be met with a close up big bang attack. He was sent flying through a mountain but charged back at me after a few minutes. I smiled as he and Goku charged a big bang attack and kamehameha.

Y/n: "Let's see how they like this...BIG BANG KAME-"

Vegeta: "Noooo."

Y/n: "HAME-"

Goku: "Noooooooo.."


My large stream of blue that consisted of both their signature moves clashed with theirs. I barely saw something, a minuscule orb of black aura. It landed where our attacks met and began to make them open something strange...

Towa POV

The stupid monkeys are playing right into my hands. As soon as their feeble attempts at attacks clashed I added a bit of my power into the mix to open up the rift in time I needed to accomplish one of my many missions. I grinned and looked to Mira and nodded. I grabbed his shoulder and took us to meet our many guests waiting in our other rift in space-time.

3rd person POV

A large group of people poured out of the rift where the attacks of the saiyans met. An abnormally large amount of people landed on the ground and looked around confused. A few of them looked to be in some sort of fighting stance, as if they were in the middle of an interrupted battle. The three saiyans stopped their attacks, confused by these events and powered down to base form. They lowered themselves down to the ground and walked over to this group. Obviously these people noticed them and went on edge.

The ones known as Erza, Natsu, Gray and their blonde friend walked toward these men. The white haired man looked irritated and walked over as well, followed by a female with blueish hair. The red headed devil girl sent forth many of her peers toward the men as well. The demon lord and his group approached looking cocky. The black haired God and his companion Yukine and their female companion jumped back to get a good view. Basara and his entourage backed off. The shield bearing Male and his companions followed suite, wanting to view from a safe distance. The black bull walked toward the three men as his golden dawn comrade backed away, he wasn't gonna bother with it.

The saiyans smirked but Y/n turned toward his mentors and gave them the signal to back off. They nodded and flew up to a good vantage point, they would intervene if needed. Gohan and Trunks arrived at this time and flew toward their fathers. They turned to see what would unfold. Y/n took a senzu bean from his pocket and ate it. His wounds healed and fatigue dissipated. He smirked at his challengers and got into his fighting stance. The first to charge was the rat haired fool under the red headed devils control. He was swatted away with minimal effort, his peers caught him as their foe bellowed a taunting laugh. Then the sizable force charged him.

Y/n's POV

I saw the group charge. What sounded the charge was the sound of a finger snapping out of place. They took that as a signal and came at me full force. The first to reach me was the white haired boy who's finger snapped. He swung his fists at me but I used two fingers to deflect each blow then kicked him in the chest sending him away. Arrows from the female with the bow landed around me, attempting to keep me in place as her friend with gauntlets charged me and landed a blow to my gut. I released a burst of energy from my body destroying the arrows and sending the fighter away. This seemed to anger a tall man in a cloak who raised a wand toward me and shot out black blasts of energy.

Y/n: "Hmph. What a pain. If these simpletons had any sort of fighting experience or team work they wouldn't be half bad. This however is just a bore."

As I raised 2 fingers to my forehead I sent a special beam cannon toward the black energy obliterating them. Before the beam hit the man a green spectral looking shield appeared in front of him, blocking my blast. I scoffed but before I could get ready to charge I was hit by fire and ice from both sides.

Y/n: "perhaps you aren't too bad after all. Looks like I'll have to take this seriously."

I went super saiyan and teleported behind the pink haired adversary that sent flames my way. He blocked my first punch and that told me he would be an interesting adversary. We exchanged blows, after a few good hits on me he coated his fists in fire. I mimicked him and used ki to fortify my hits. We were exchanging blows when I was hit in the back by another fist fighter, this one had white hair instead. I turned only to have to block two swords. A Male with blond hair and a woman with blue hair stood before me.

I had to go super saiyan two at this point. I hit them with a ki blast sending them flying. I teleported behind the pink haired man and kicked him in the side, this sent him flying into ice man who was waiting for an opening. My first adversary returned and stabbed my leg with some sort of tentacle. I grunted in pain and grabbed him by the throat. I raised my other hand and hit him with a big bang attack leaving him unconscious and 50 feet away.

Y/n: "This isn't looking good. I'm gonna have to use THAT power. Fuck, I don't like resorting to this. BURST OPEN AND MIX!!"

My adversaries looked on in confusion as a fake moon appeared in the sky as i looked toward it.

Goku and Vegeta's POV

Both: "Oh shit. He knew he was in a bind...let's stand back."

They grabbed their kids and flew backward to watch from a safe distance as Y/n began to contort and grow larger. His yells and screams became growls and roars. He became hairy and towered over his enemies. He had turned into an Ozaru or a Great Ape. He was now at the mercy of his saiyan instincts. His enemies were not prepared for what would come next...

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