Death Is A Cold Hearted Lover

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3rd person POV

Issei and Riser were beating Y/n to a bloody pulp as our other heroes stared in horror. Just when Riser was about to burn Y/n to a crisp he was blown back by a ki wave. Riser and Issei looked at Y/n who had grown tired of the beating and went super saiyan 2.

Y/n rushed after them and began to beat Issei with Riser which left everyone else slack-jawed

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Y/n rushed after them and began to beat Issei with Riser which left everyone else slack-jawed. He then tossed Riser in the air and started trading blows with Issei who had activated his sacred gear at this point

They clashed fists, blocked kicks with other kicks, and even tried head butting one another but nothing was causing either of them to back down

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They clashed fists, blocked kicks with other kicks, and even tried head butting one another but nothing was causing either of them to back down. Y/n used instant transmission to get behind Issei and landed a spinning back fist to Issei's jaw sending him flying as he spit up some saliva. Riser then charged Y/n and landed a blow to his gut, he didnt stop there and kicked him to the ground and then he threw fireballs at him.

Akeno POV

As Y/n was pelted with fireballs our group was met with some familiar faces. Riser's peerage was facing us, his rooks walked toward Koneko as Rem ran over to help fight the duo. Kiba and Xenovia were faced with his knights, the Fairy Tail crew rushed four of his pawns as Yato, Asta, Yuno, and Basara charged the other four pawns. That left his Queen which beckoned for Rias and I to come forth which we happily obliged. Then his bishops went to assist him and Issei in attacking Y/n. I cursed and decided that Y/n would be fine and the best way for the rest of us to help would be to take out these other targets. Diablo however, ran to assist Y/n with long range spells and then I knew that he'd have decent back up. Then I turned back toward Riser's Queen and charged some lightning in my palm.

Koneko POV

As I rushed toward the opposing rooks I yelled at Kaneki and Touka to get the injured and weary to safety considering it wasn't safe where we were anymore. Then I saw Rem running beside me, we fist bumped and rushed toward the rooks. I took the rook on the left and she went for the one on the right. My target made the first move by landing a jab to my jaw, I didnt let that stop me and began launching a flurry of jabs, hooks, and elbows. I started over powering her and silently thanked Y/n for helping us with our training. As I kicked my target away she landed on the ground unconcious. I looked to Rem and she finished her target with a fist to the schnoz, I winced knowing she must've broke her nose. Then we charged after the bishops to assist Diablo in providing assistance for Y/n.

Kiba POV

Poor Issei, he was under the same circumstances as I was in just a little over a week ago. However I didnt have time to dwell on it. As I turned toward my target I saw Rem and Koneko running to assist Y/n as Diablo was distracting Riser's bishops with spells. Then I saw Goku and Cell duking it out in a pretty even match. I began to rush my target, using my incredible speed to dodge her feeble attempts at stabbing me. I lunged and kicked her in the stomach making her spit up some blood. Then I used swordbirth, slamming my sword into the ground and summoning giant swords from the ground which impaled her. I was shocked at how much more formidable I had become since Y/n started helping with our training. I turned toward Xenovia who had run her enemy through with Excalibur and we went to assist with the Queen.

Natsu POV

My team rushed our four opponents but they were really weak. There wasn't much effort put in from our side, we were extremely powerful before our training in this world but now we're insane! I pelted my opponent with flame coated fists and then used my fire dragons roar, roasting her with minimal effort. I turned to see that Gray froze his target, Erza had her target looking like a stuck pig with all the blades that impaled her. Then Lucy was being yelled at by Aquarius for summoning her in the ocean. That spirit just doesnt want to do any work, that's the real problem. I turned to see Yato and his group finishing their fights and we looked to see Basara running to his entourage of girls.

Cells POV

I was beginning to over power Goku due to my regeneration from Piccolo's cells. I kicked him in the gut then appeared above him dropping my elbow on his back sending him to the ground. I hovered for a moment waiting for his next move. He got up and said I was extremely powerful and that he couldnt win so he was going to resign and select the next fighter. I gritted my teeth and decided to show him the price of withdrawing.

3rd person POV

Cell was none too happy about Goku withdrawing and raised his hands and began charging a solar kamehameha. He then aimed it at Basara and his team, Y/n saw this and struggled to his feet covered in burns. He used instant transmission to get to the group right before the blast hit, he grabbed the person nearest to him which was Zest and teleported back to the group. He was panting and covered in blood and burns as he dropped Zest off. He apologized for her losses before charging back at Riser, before he could get to him he saw that Issei had switched targets. Rem and Koneko were right in his sights but they weren't paying attention seeing as they were keeping the bishops busy. Y/n cursed under his breath and charged in front of the duo getting in the way right as Issei went in for the kill.


I felt my gut being punctured by Issei and his sacred gear. I coughed up blood as I turned behind me to make sure the girls were okay. They were just looking in shock and terror. I gave them a weak smile as I fell to my knees, I turned to the smoldering crater that used to be Basara and his team. I felt my blood boil as I gripped Issei's arm and started slowly rising to my feet as my vision began to go blurry. I felt myself go super saiyan 3 as i stared Issei down.

"I'm gonna... fucking kill you Issei. AND IM GOING TO ENJOY IT!!!"

I ripped his arm from my gut and threw him away. I took a deep breath and charged after him, my injury bleeding all the while.

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