The Return

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Kami's POV

I had convinced Goku and Vegeta to return home, three days would be all the time Popo would need. Granted that due to the Time Chamber's current settings, one day outside was the equivalent of one month inside. I was surprised at Mr. Popo's proposal however, he hasn't gone out of his way to make anyone his pupil before. I also wasn't sure how he trained his pupils or how he was going to heal Y/n but I was hesitant to ask. Popo was very adamant about following the pecking order, I was second only to him and I'm pretty much god.

3rd person POV - within the time chamber

The Time Chamber was no longer a room of infinite nothing, it was a room of infinite darkness and terror. The worst nightmares humanity had ever thought of or made could be heard clawing at the void. It would make absolutely anyone go atleast slightly insane. However we can't spoil too much for plot convenience.


Popo was just watching from a few dozen feet back, seemingly enjoying himself.


3rd person POV

It was three days after Goku and Vegeta had returned, everyone was waiting anxiously to see if Y/n would return or not. Morning became noon and hope was beginning to waver, that was until...

Gohan POV

Everyone was becoming dejected as we were waiting for Y/n to return, seeing as he hadn't done so yet. As Dad and the other men who were transferred to our world were about to head inside, I felt a sudden appearance of a familiar ki and saw a figure in the distance.

"Dad look! I think that's Y/n!"

He looked and began to run toward him glad to see he was okay. However much to his dismay the real figure we had spotted was no less than....CELL! Not only was it Cell but he also had a new form.

I started to back away as Cell calmly walked toward us.

Cell POV

Ah, my plan worked out perfectly. I knew I had Y/n's cells but I had no idea it would be this easy to fool these people. I kept walking toward them as I was rushed by a man with a shield and a white haired boy with some tentacles sticking out of his back.

 I kept walking toward them as I was rushed by a man with a shield and a white haired boy with some tentacles sticking out of his back

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