Stronger Together

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[3 months after Y/n regained all his strength after fighting Issei]


It's been a peaceful few months since I fully recovered, about a month ago we were able to resurrect Basara and co. Luckily the dragon balls weren't too hard to find, after they came back Basara and I had a few choice words. He was unwise in blaming me for the death of himself and the others. Even though I felt as if I was at fault I knew deep down that there was too much happening for me to save everyone. Anyway, needless to say I beat him senseless and he finally came to the conclusion that he should have trained. Zest was happy to see everyone that had died and Basara was none too happy about her growing so close to me. All I had to do was glare at him and he truly understood fear. Anyway enough of the past-


ANYWAY... I've set aside a day of the week to fight each group and that's what we've been doing since we revived the others. Sunday was the only day we took off so we could relax, I spent that day with Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Rem and Zest each week. Over the past 3 months I had grown close to each of them and cared about each of them. I couldnt pick one of them over the others however so things were a little weird sometimes. They do whisper amongst eachother every now and then as if making some sort of plan. I have an idea of what they talk about but I dont wish to jump to conclusions. I'm off course again, I'm proud of how powerful everyone has become over the past few months. Though Kaneki is the only one who can really give me a challenge. Speaking of which, Kaneki was approaching me as I was deep in thought.

Kaneki: "Hey Y/n! How about we spar again?"

"Sure man just give me a minute."

As I turned around to grab something from the house there was a loud crash to my left. I turned to see someone I hadn't seen in a long long time.

???: "WHERE IS SON GOKU?!?!"

"A-android 16? How are you alive? What are you doing here?"

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"A-android 16? How are you alive? What are you doing here?"

Android 16: "I was never killed by Cell, however I was distracted by... birds BUT NOW IM HERE TO KILL SON GOKU. Though I do not see him in my scans so I suppose you will have to do."

He charged me, I sighed. I knew he was strong but he wasn't a threat to me. I teleported behind him and put my knee to the back of his head. His sensors were knocked loose and he fell to the ground like a bag of cinderblocks. I picked him up and took him to mother.

"Hey mom, I found android 16, dont worry hes out cold for the time being. Could you reprogram him? He would make for an amazing ally."

She reluctantly agreed and I went back outside to face against Kaneki. It seemed Gohan and Vegeta were also going to spar as they faced off already super saiyans. I went super saiyan and charged Kaneki. Our fists clashed once, twice, three times, four, then I was kicked in the side. Kaneki charged at me and went to kick me again but I grabbed his leg and smiled. I threw him in the air and teleported above him, I charged a tri beam, a move I borrowed from Tien. As Kaneki was almost right at me I began to release the energy, I hit him with it 3 times before I let the energy dissipate. The drawback to that powerful attack is that it uses up a large amount of energy. As Kaneki hit the ground I sent a volley of ki blasts watching them explode creating a deep crater where he was laying. I charged at him reeling my arm back but as I went to hit him he flipped over me and sledgehammered me into the ground. He stood there panting as I got up and began to charge again. I went super saiyan 2 and walked toward Kaneki. I smiled cockily as he released his kagune and walked toward me as well.

"Oh so you're coming to me? You aren't running away?"

Kaneki: "I can't kick your ass without coming closer."

"Well then come as close as you like."

He stabbed at me repeatedly with his kagune, I dodged most of them but had to knock the others away. I back flipped a few times to create some distance but he wasn't letting me off that easily. He appeared next to me and uppercutted ms into the air. I stopped myself mid air and teleported in front of him landing a combo of jabs, hooks, elbows, and headbutts. As I kicked him away I looked toward Gohan and my father who were charging a masenko and a galick gun. As the beams collided I saw a man fall out of a rift that the beams created. The man had to be in his 50s or 60s and was holding a coffee cup while wearing an apron that read 'Anteiku Coffee'. I looked back at Kaneki just in time to be run through by his kagune.

Kaneki POV

My eyes widened in shock as my kagune went straight through Y/n. I hadn't realized he was distracted, I felt his lung pop as I stabbed through it. I quickly withdrew my kagune and caught him as he began to cough up blood. I looked toward where he had been previously. I saw Yoshimura and quickly ran to him. I told him I'd explain what was going on later but at the moment he needed to perform surgery on Y/n. I reached into my own chest and tore out my lung. I coughed up a bit of blood but I knew it would regenerate soon seeing as we should had a faster healing rate then all other races that I knew of. I gave it to Yoshimura and led him to Bulma. She rushed to get everything ready and gave Yoshimura a tube of nano bots that would allow Y/n to remain human once I told her what would happen once he became a ghoul. With the nano bots he would probably just obtain my kagune. I wasn't worried about that though, Bulma, Vegeta and I waited a few hours and Yoshimura was done. The three of us explained to him what had happened since Touka and I got here and we told him where he was. Bulma set up a small building next to the boys dorms for him to stay in and we waited for Y/n to wake up.


My poor Y/n was out cold once again, it seems that he doesnt go long without an energy but it was all an accident so I bet it would have ended differently had he not been distracted. I was laying next to him on his bed curled up into his side waiting for him to wake up. As I was about to take a nap I felt him move and I heard him groan, I looked at him to see his eyes fluttering open. I hugged him and explained what happened. I quickly ran out and told Bulma, Kaneki and Yoshimura that he was awake. They rushed in and Kaneki apologized then explained to him that he would now be able to use his kagune. They then went outside and Y/n practiced bringing it out and making it disappear ad we all watched. He then went through each of his super saiyans formed and repeated the process so that he could make sure it would work the same. After he was done I helped him back to his room so he could rest some more as Koneko and I curled up on either side of him and we all drifted to sleep. We couldn't wait to have Y/n help us train some more when he healed AGAIN.

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