Destruction, New Power, and Betrayal?

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3rd person POV

The group of souls that were taken from their home universes watched in terror as their foe turned into a giant ape. The previous onlookers joined in the fight to make it fair. The God and Yukine, Basara and his group, and The shield bearers entourage. Everyone prepared for a round two as the Z-Fighters flew toward the mass of energy that just spiked. Tien, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chiaotzu saw the great ape and feared the worst. They saw Goku and Vegeta with their kids and flew to them.

Tien: " that Y/n? Wait who are those other people?"

Goku: "Yeah that's him. We have no clue who the others are though. They really put Y/n in a bind though. We may have to help them so they don't die."

The Z-Fighters didn't like that last part, they had a bad experience with the Ozaru before back when Vegeta first came to Earth. Y/n was stomping around the large group, he swatted away any arrows sent by the elven girl and the magic being sent by the others weren't doing anything. The swordsmen and swordswomen couldnt get close enough. Bodies began to fly as Y/n began hitting his mark. Heavy damage was dealt to his foes as the onlookers in the sky began to rush Y/n. Vegeta and goku went super saiyan and each hit Y/n on his snout. As he held it to stop the bleeding he charged a ki blast in his mouth which he unleashed at the saiyans. They dodged and yelled at the ape.

Vegeta: "Son I know you're in there! The fight can be over now, we can talk to these strangers. Theres no need to push yourself so far!"

Goku: "He's right Y/n just calm down. You've gotten out of this before. The Z-Fighters are getting the others to a safe distance away. Come on we need to join them to figure out what happened."

As Y/n looked toward his enemies he saw they were retreating. This angered him and he began to roar and charge energy. His fur began to gain a golden glow and his power sky rocketed. Goku and vegeta did a kamehameha and a final flash which hit Y/n in the face knocking him on his ass. He began to lose consciousness as the normal Y/n began to take control. The beast roared in pain and grabbed it's skull and lightning began to jut around it. Y/n began to shrink and his roars soon turned into screams of agony. After a few minutes of this he stood tall and had a new appearance, a new form.

 After a few minutes of this he stood tall and had a new appearance, a new form

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He looked around confused, as did everyone else. Goku and Vegeta looked with mouths agape seeing as he broke past his limitations once again.

Y/n's POV

I felt so... powerful. I looked at myself and my gi was torn and I had red fur along my body. I looked toward my father and Goku.

Y/n: "I apologize. I didn't have any other choice. I prefer living and if I hadn't done that then I wouldn't be standing here. I must go talk to all those people though, I have to make amends and learn their names."

I began to walk toward those who I had fought. I powered down to base form as I walked, I didnt want to intimidate them, atleast not at the moment. The others went back on edge as you approached. You stood in front of them and bowed.

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