Chapter 1: This is probably a bad idea

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

"Dove you're such a dumbass."

I rolled my eyes as I looked up from my phone and stuffed it in my pocket where my signed application lied in. "I don't need your input, Michael."

"Dove! You know about the legends of that pizzaria, why are you going?" Michael exclaimed

"So I can prove that the legends," I paused bending my two fingers for effect "Are fake and you and your friends are just weirdos who actually believe in that shit."

"Okay fine, but what if it is real? I'm worried about you." Michael says

I sighed letting down my guard and walked over to my red haired brother who's lips were slightly pouted, his eyebrows furrowed and his green eyes that matched mine were filled with worry.

I threw my arms around him and he relaxed in my embrace. "It's not real, mikey"

"But what if it is?" He mumbles

I pulled away from the embrace but grabbed hold of his hands, "Then I'll be okay."

"You promise?" He asked

"Yes I promise, mikey"

"I'll be back every morning at 6:30 or 7:00am okay?"

"Okay, you should probably go. You need to turn in your application." Michael said

I let go of his hands and pull out my phone checking the time, "Yeah, I need to get going before the place is crawling with kids with the flu."

"Let me know if you got the job." Michael says

"Why so you can freak out and attempt to pysch me out?" I said as I walked down the stairs and towards the door and opened it.

"Maybe." Michael says from up the stairs.

"Bye Michael!"

"Bye!" He says

I shut the door behind me and walked over to my car, I climbed inside and started the car. I pulled out of the driveway and slipped in a Taylor Swift cd and began my journey to the pizzaria that's got my older brother so shaken up.

I put the car in park and I pulled out the keys killing the engine. I opened the door and slammed it behind me as I looked up at the pizzaria. I imagined that it would look kinda crappy but since it's got an improvement it actually looks pretty good but still creepy in a way.

I shook my head and made my way towards the restaurant, I walked through the doors and I was hit almost instantly with the smell of pizza. I walked up the fromt desk where a bored teenager just looked at me.

Five Nights Of Mistakes • Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now