Chapter 2: "It's not real, guys"

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

"What songs are we singing for this set?" I was sitting on the couch backstage of the small bar my brother and his friends were performing at. I watched as Luke sat in the corner trying to control his breathing like he does before every gig.

His anxiety gets the best of him sometimes, but he's an amazing front man when he's not onstage. I know he'll pull through his stage fright and be an amazing lead singer when he's ready, but until then he has me to help.

"Um we switched it up a little, we're doing End Up Here, Lost Boy, The Only Reason, Gotta Get Out, Try Hard, Out Of My Limit a busted cover of Year 3000, and finally a cover of Teenage Dirtbag." Ashton says as he twirls his drumstick in between his long and slender fingers.

"Sounds good, a lot of my favs tonight."

"Yeah, this might be your last night performing with us." Michael says

I sat up quickly, "What? Luke you feel ready?"

Luke nods, "I feel like I wont pass out or puke anymore so that has to count for something."

"I'm proud of you, I knew you'd get there."

"Thanks, Dove." Luke replies with his famous heart winning smile.

He's always been like that, such a charmer.. Too bad for the ladies though. Him and Ashton have been together since their junior year of high school.. Calum and Michael have been with each other longer though. I don't know how they've been together since middle school but hey? They're pretty fucking cute and my brother is happy, that's all I care about.

"Alright time to go on, guys." Calum says coming down the small set of stairs behind entrance of the stage.

I grabbed my bottle of water and put in my earplugs and I walked up the stairs with the boys. I switched from foot to foot in anticipation before the boys began walking through the darkness of the stage. I followed behind and grabbed my mic stand that was next to Luke's and I placed my water bottle down. I looked over at Luke was doing breathing exercises, I grabbed his shoulder and he looked at me through the darkness with a hint of light from the flashes of cameras from fans in the crowd.

"You got this, Luke." He nodded and grabbed his mic on the stand as we waited for the lights to go up. Eventually the lights did go up and Ashton started to bang on the drums as he started the intro to End Up Here, Luke and the others following behind him with the guitars.

Me and Luke switched verses along with the other guys, the crowd loved it. According to social media the fans liked when I sang with the boys. I'm sure they'd be happy to know that I won't be in Luke's spotlight anymore. It's his time to shine. We finished the song and then threw ourselves almost immediately into the next one.

Towards the end of Lost Boy I hyped up the crowd as the boys repeated the verses "Come find me" over and over. I pointed my mic to the crowd and they ran closer to the stage so I pushed my hands forward telling them not to squeeze the ones in the front. Thankfully they listened as the song slowed to an end. We decided to take water and talk breaks, I nudged Luke gesturing for him to speak to the crowd. He nodded and grabbed ahold of his mic.

Five Nights Of Mistakes • Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now