Chapter 12: "Game On, William"

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

Dove woke up on the floor, she pushed herself off the ground and dusted off her jeans before checking her surroundings.

She was in the middle of the party room.

She heard hushed voices as she turned towards the prize counter near the front of the pizzeria, she made her way passed the tables and walked over to the counter, while she was walking there she felt arms wrap around her waist. She jumped in alarm punched whoever was behind her.

Unfortunately, when she turned around and realized that she decked Awsten righ in the face.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, you've got quick reflexes though holy shit." Awsten sais as he held onto his cheek.

"Yeah? Well that's what happens when you work here I guess."

Awsten chuckles, "We're gonna need those fast reflexes tonight."

"Trust and believe you'll get them." Dove mumbled as she noticed Otto and Geoff walking over to them. "You guys good?"

"Yeah, let's just get to the prize counter and see what's up with this marionette." Geoff says

"Heard you guys were looking for me?" A random voice said as they hopped onto the prize counter. A girl was standing up with her hands on her hips, she had dark hair that was almost black with purple streaks through it, her nose was peirced and she was dressed in cropped sweater with a black under shirt, ripped styled leggings and some doc martens.

When Dove got closer to the prize counter she was shocked at what she saw when she got a better look at the girl. She had dark red thick streaks under her eyes, almost like tears but instead it was blood.

"I see you're starring. Yeah, William did a number on me. Gauged out my eyes." She says as she sits down on the counter with her legs crossed.

"I'm gonna be sick." Awsten mumbled.

"Here." Maya said as she tossed a trashcan over to Awsten who walked away from the group to go puke in private.

"How old are you, or.. were you?" Geoff asked

"17, my birthday was a month after I died actually. Didn't even get to turn 18 before I died, that's what sucks the most." Maya scoffs

"Im so sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's too late now. But you guys are here for information so here it is... me and the stuck souls will take care of William.. once we do you guys need to get the fuck out of thise place, got it?" She said raising and eyebrow.

"Yeah, what do we need to do?" Otto asked

"Im okay now." Awsten said as he walked back over to the group.

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