Chapter 8: "Awsten, Put. The Orange Juice. Down."

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

I woke up to the sound of someone being insanely loud and intentionally trying waking me up, I rubbed my eyes like a toddler as I sat up, I realized I was in the living room on the couch. I also realized that I was with Awsten on the living room couch, I saw green strands of his hair sprawled along the pillow we shared and smiled a bit before looking up at the person who dared to wake me up.

It was Calum, oh shit.

"Good morning, Dove. Looks like you were busy last night." He smirks

I rolled my eyes before dropping back down to the pillow, I realized doing that woke up Awsten. I noticed him rubbing his eyes as he sat up slowly. I smiled, "Hi."

"Hey." He mumbled

My heart dropped to my fucking ass. His voice was so deep, I should've remembered that from the time when I slept at his place but it's different because he slept with me on the same couch this time and that's just.. It's a whole new feeling.

"Who's this, Dove?" Calum asked with a smug grin on his face.

As if he doesnt already fucking know.

"This is Awsten, Awsten this is my brother's annoying boyfriend Calum."

"Hey man." awsten smiles

"Hi, sorry if I woke you up." Calum says

"No, it's cool." Awsten says

"The rest of the other boys are sleeping but the one with light brown hair is Geoff and the one with the curls is Otto."

"Cool, well Michael didn't lose his shit or anything because you guys were sleep but he'll want to meet them when everyone is up." Calum replies

"Thanks, Cally."

I watched as Calum made his way out of the living room and back to the direction of Michael's room. I noticed Awsten layed back down on the couch and stuffed his face into the pillow, I guess he wanted to keep sleeping. I looked down onto the floor and Geoff and Otto were just looking at their phones.I didn't even realize that they woke up..I smirked as I got an idea. I pressed my sock clad foot in Geoff's face and he squirmed away and looked up at me.

"What's up?" he asked with a smile.

"Wanna help me make breakfast?"

"Can I help too?" Otto asked

"I was gonna ask you next, come on." I stood up from the couch and placed the rest of the blanket's on Awsten's sleeping body.

The boys followed me into the kitchen and sat down at the table while I started pulling out cooking items. When I finished setting everything out there was waffle mix, a carton of eggs, a package of bacon and a french toast sticks box.

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