Chapter 14: SOS pt. 1

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Nobody's pov

Those meddling teens, they think they can destroy me and end my life's plan? Well they have another thing coming, Im gonna make them wish they never applied to work here.

I'm going to put an end to every single one of THEM.

Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

"We're just 5 minutes away, call me as soon as things go wrong and we'll break into that Pizzeria."

Dove nodded as tears rolled down her her pale cheeks.

"Okay, Michael."

"Don't hesitate, call me immediately." He says sternly with a hint of concern behind his voice.

"I will, I promise."

"I love you Chloe." He replies with a slight crack in his voice.

"I love you too Mikey."

She quickly ends the call and stuffs her phone into her back pocket. She wipes the tears that have now stained her cheeks and walks back over to regroup with the boys since she was standing in the corner by herself.

"You alright babe?" Awsten asked as he placed his hand on her arm.

"Yeah, just a little shaken still. Michael and the boys will come here and help us if we really neednit by the way."

"Considering what we have to do, i think we'll need it." Otto mumbles

"Guys we've got company coming down the hall." Geoff says while gripping the iPad tightly.

"Okay, leave the ipad.. we'll have to fend for ourselves without seeing them because we can't hold that and hold the music box." Awsten says

Geoff nods and put down the ipad before grabbing the music box.

"Has everybody got their water guns strapped and the bats with them?" Otto asked

Dove looked down at her waist and her thigh making sure her supersoakers were secure and nodded when she was sure.

"Alright, into the battle field we go then, everyone stay close." Awsten says

We all start walking through the corridor with our supersoakers in our grasp ready to shoot at the first animatronic that comes at us.

We make it through the corridor successfully but then we hear the heavy stomps of an animatronic suit. It pops out of the corner and comes right for us. Almost in sync we all aim our guns at the robot and it screeches and malfunctions for a few seconds before scurrying off into a vent with loud banging until...


We all look at eachother and nod before we turn on the flashlights strapped on the supersoakers.

Five Nights Of Mistakes • Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now