Chapter 10: "She's A Keeper."

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Awsten's pov (oooh pov change haha)

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Awsten's pov (oooh pov change haha)

Awsten was confused, he wasn't in the office anymore and he began shaking at the thought of being dragged out of the office by an animatronic. He stood up and looked around the room he was in, it looked like he was in Pirate's Cove. he noticed all the drawings of Foxy on the wall that the kids made, his stomach churned when he thought of these kids playing with an animatronic that had a dead corpse rotting in it.

"Awsten." a voice called.

It was Frankie's voice, he was absolutely positive.

"Frankie, is that you?"

"Yes, please turn around." the voice said sounding extremely vulnerable.

Awsten slowly spun on his heel, he saw a Foxy the pirate suit standing 2 feet from him. He jumped back, but then he noticed the head was missing. He looked down and saw his cousin sitting right on top of the fox head.

"Hi Awsey." Frankie said in a small voice

"Hey Frankie." Awsten had tears in his eyes as he dropped to the floor in front of the smaller boy.

"I've missed you." Frankie replied with tears falling down his pale skin.

"I've missed you little buddy."

"How's my mommy?" he asked

"She's hurting, I don't think she'll ever stop hurting."

"I don't want mommy to hurt, please tell her to stop." Frankie says as he sobs into his tiny hands.

"I don't think she can, Frankie. She misses you so much."

"I miss her too." he says wiping his nose.

"Hey, buddy?"

"Yes?" Frankie asked looking up at Awsten with red rimmed eyes.

"Are you haunting the Foxy the Pirate suit?"

Frankie nods, "I'm sorry, it's really hard to control the suit. I try so hard not to go find you and your friends but.. It's so difficult."

"It's alright, little buddy. I know you don't mean to."

"Earlier the suit glitched in front of Otto and Geoff because I was making contact with you.. Through the game."

"Oh, so this is what you meant by sleep?" Awsten asked

"Yes, you're asleep in the office while your friends fight off some of my friends who are having a really hard time with control as well.

Awsten nods as he takes in what Frankie said, "Hey bud, your body looks pretty solid.  Am I allowed to hug you?"

Frankie nods before hopping off the fox head and climbing into Awsten's lap with a little bit of Awsten's help. Awsten wrapped the small boy in his arms and just enjoyed the feeling of being able to hold his cousin again.

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