Chapter 3: "Dove's got a crush!"

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

I walked into the kitchen at about 11am only to realize that it's been completely destroyed. I rolled my eyes as I walked to the counter where there was a plate of pancakes, I grabbed the plate and looked around the kitchen as I searched for the syrup. I sat down at the table after I placed in the pancakes in the microwave to heat up since they've probably been sitting there for god knows how long. I then found the bottle of syrup and I drowned the pancakes in the sweet substance after I took the plate out of the microwave. As I began eating 3 bodies entered the kitchen, their eyes baggy and dark around the lids but their smiles were bright at least.

"Play video games for hours, boys?"

"You know how serious Michael is about Fifa." Luke says

"Yes, unfortunately I do. You beat him in Fifa twice and he doesn't talk to you for a week." I rolled my eyes as I recalled the memory.

"Such a bad sport." Ashton says as he wraps his arms around Luke who then tangles his fingers in Ashton's curls.

"He just likes to win, lay off my boy." Calum whines

"It's too early for you guys to be so lovey dovey, i'm gonna lose my fucking breakfast." I teased

"Please don't, you know how I feel about vomit." Ashton mumbles.

"Yes, I know Ashton. So who's gonna clean up this kitchen? I know one of you rugrats did this."

"Don't look at me," Calum says raising his hands up and shrugging. "I can't cook."

"I made the mess, but I'm gonna need help." Ashton says as he's looking around the kitchen.

"Ok, Luke help Ashton."

"What? Why me?" Luke complained

"Because you're his boyfriend you doorknob."

"Fine." Luke mumbled

Considering I was eating in between our conversation I noticed that I finished with my pancakes, I dropped the plate into the sink and stood by the doorway as Luke and Ashton continued to talk about who was gonna do what but mostly it was just Luke complaining about how he just wants to go back to sleep.

"So how was the first shift at the pizzeria?" Calum asked

"It was okay, I told you guys that legend was a scam."

"So nothing happened?" Calum asked

"Nope, we just kept an eye on the cameras on the iPad and then we watched The Vampire Diaries."

"Who is we?" Calum asked

"Oh, my coworkers. I guess I can say friends since I feel like we're all so close already. Um there's Geoff who is a blue eyed brunette, he's got a nose ring and he's really nice. There's Otto who has brown curls that goes to his shoulders, dark eyes and he has a nose ring as well, he's the more quiet one but he's really nice too. And then.. There's Awsten."

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