Chapter 4: "Extreme Twister"

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

After several really good tracks I unfortunately had to turn down the music because I actually needed to figure out which apartment number was Awsten's. I looked at the address he gave me and found it after a few seconds of looking.. I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot. After parking the car and pulling out the key from the ignition I undid my seatbelt and reached for my bag in the backseat. Once I grabbed it I climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me, I locked the doors and made my way to the apartment building.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at Awsten's text again, he said he was on the 3rd floor. So I braced myself to walk up a whole bunch of stairs... apparently I didn't brace well enough because I was out of breath by the time I got up the last few steps. After taking a few moments to breathe I finally walked over to his door and knocked a couple times.

After a few moments the door finally opened, It was Otto. I smiled and gave him a hug before I walked in. I realized that Awsten had a pretty nice place he was living in, I live with my brother because of a pact we made when we were kids.. Who knew in a couple years I'd wanna get away from him?? I didn't but oh well.

"Sup! You made it." Awsten said as he walked out of the kitchen area.

"I almost didn't, those stairs would have killed me but luckily they didn't so i'm here."

"Ah, yeah those stairs are a bitch. Much more fun going down." he replies with a slight giggle that just about made my heart skip a beat but nobody needs to know that.

I dropped my backpack onto the couch and sat down next to Otto, "So what exactly are we doing that's so messy to where I needed to bring extra clothes?"

"I'm glad you asked." I watched as Awsten disappeared down the hallway only to return seconds later with a box that said Twister on it. He then dropped the box and walked into the kitchen, he came back with these big cans of paint. "We are playing, extreme twister and by extreme I mean that were gonna play with paint all over the mat.

"Well, sounds pretty extreme to me." Otto says

"Looks fun, we gonna eat first?"

"Just to be on the safeside i feel like we should eat later." Awsten says as he lays down the twister mat.

"I don't mind, i can just microwave my food."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Speaking of food, that must be Geoff." Otto said as he got off the couch to open the door. Just as we thought Geoff walked in carrying multiple bags of food in his hands.

"Hey Dove." Geoff said as he dropped the food bags on the kitchen counter.

"Hi." I mumbled while i watched Awsten open the paint cans and pour the paint onto the mat and matching the colors.

Five Nights Of Mistakes • Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now