Chapter 7: "Best Friends Forever?"

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

I woke up on the floor, I'm not exactly sure how I did but here I was. The thing that really freaked me out when I sat up was the fact that I wasn't in the office. I was in the party room. For a second I could feel myself start to panic again but then I felt someone's hand touch me.

I quickly turned and I saw a little girl standing in front of me, there was a Bonnie suit behind her but she had the head of it placed next to her. I realized a few things about this girl, she was blonde with grey eyes, almost lifeless. Her clothing was covered in blood and she had a slit in her neck, after realizing all of these things it finally hit me.

She's dead.

I gasped as I looked at her, tears began to sting in my eyes as I let them fall. She gave me a sad smile as if she realized that it just came to me. She sat down on the floor with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap.

"This was the only way I could reach you." She says

"What happened to you?" I sobbed

"The bad man got me." she says

"Why did he do this?"

"He said it was because he lost his son." she replied while twisting her fingers in her bloody skirt.

I sniffed as I got my tears under control, "How old were you?"

"I was 8." she says

"Did he stuff you in the suit?"

She nodded, "The blue Bonnie was always my favorite."

"Im so sorry."

"It's okay, Please don't cry anymore." she paused before continuing,"You need to get out of here. You and your friends."

"But what about you guys?"

"It's too late for us." she says sadly

"No, there has to be a way."

"I guess there could be, but you'd have to talk to the marionette about that." she says


"The person who's been here the longest in this location, her name's Maya." she says

"And what's your name?"

"Elaine but my friends used to call me Lane." she replies with a sad smile.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Lane. My name is Dove, and i'm gonna find a way to help you."

She smiles but then the smile drops, "You're waking up."

"Oh, um well.. Okay."



"Tell Awsten that Frankie misses him."

My eyes began to water again, "I will."

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