Chapter 5: "I guess I'll be using this bat after all."

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Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

I ended up at awsten's place till about 11, he said he'd just take me to the pizzaria so we could go and do our shift for the night. Once we arrived at the smelly broken down looking place we stood in front of the prize counter, we waited until Travis came out of the door with stacks of paper? He dropped them onto the counter and all of us looked at him with confusion.

"Uh, what's up Travis?" Awsten asked

"Just need you to sign these." Travis says pushing the papers towards all of us.

"What exactly is that?"

"Just something you need to sign to be an official FreddyFazbear employee, you get this after the first day. It's initiation, we all had to do it." he says

"Okay? Who wants to go first?"

"I guess I will." Otto shrugged as he stepped up to take the pen out of Travis' hand. Eventually we all signed the papers and Travis smiled before allowing us to go through the employee door.

"Good luck!" he yelled before slamming the employee door behind us.

"Great." Geoff mumbled

We all made our way to the office and sat down on the chairs, we moved over to the desk when we heard the phone ring. The phone call had something to say this time, probably about to spew more bullshit to us about this place.

"Ah...hello, hello! Uh, see, I told you your first night wouldn't be a problem. You're a natural! Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location. We just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them...uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology, but they were just so ugly, you know?

The smell...uh, so the company decided to go in a whole new direction and make them super kid-friendly. Uh, those older ones shouldn't be able to walk around, but if they do, the whole Freddy head trick should work on them too, so, whatever." The phone guy explains to us."

"So these things are actually gonna come after us? He keeps saying it so maybe he's right?" Geoff says with worry filling his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "They're probably just gonna come in and stare at us then walk out."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Dove." Awsten says meeting his eyes with mine. In a flash I was quickly reminded of the kiss we shared in the bathroom hours ago, I felt my cheeks flush as I looked away.

"We have our weapons just in case anything goes wrong though." Otto says

We all nodded and continued listening to phone guy again.

"Uh...heh...I love those old characters. Did you ever see Foxy the pirate? Oh wait, hold on...oh yeah, Foxy. Uh, hey listen, that one was always a bit twitchy, uh...I'm not sure the Freddy head trick will work on Foxy, uh."

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