Chapter 13: "The Claw"

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"What happened?" Geoff asked as he kicked the Bunny down the vent shaft.

"There's something in the hallway that's coming to get us." Otto says

"Okay grab the water guns!" Geoff said

We all grabbed the big waterguns that were sitting on the desk and stood in position, we waited for the animatronic to come out of hiding in the corridor and pretty soon we heard it getting closer and closer. When it got to the office Dove noticed that it was Foxy the pirate.

"H-Hey kids, let's p-play a p-pirate game." Foxy screeched

Before the group can start shooting the water at the robot pirate their guns are practically slammed out of their arms, Dove looks at the boys in confusion but when she gets to Otto she sees him nervously pointing at the ceiling. She looks up and sees that there is a springy, broken looking pink animatronic that's hanging upside down on the ceiling with one claw hanging about all of their heads.

She realizes that maybe this night would be alot harder than they originally thought.

Dove's pov

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Dove's pov

I was panicking, I could tell the atmosphere in the room sent chills down everyone's spines, or maybe it was just mine.  All I could do was stare up at the ceiling where the broken down Mangle animatronic's claw slowly made its way down towards my friends.

"What the fuck do we do?"

"Well she slapped our weapons against the room, I don't think there is anything to do." Geoff says with panick in his voice.

"Somebody has to go get them." Awsten replies

"But there's a fox coming right towards us as we speak." Otto says

I look over and sees that Foxy the pirate is slowly making his way over to us just a lion that was coming to it's prey, like it was waiting for one of us to dare and try to make a run for it. I could feel my eyes starting to prick in pain from the tears threatening to fall but I refuse to let them.

"Okay, somebody needs to distract Frankie."

"I got it, he'll listen to me." Awsten says as he eyes the animatronic that's hanging from the ceiling.

"Hey guys, where the claw go?" Otto asked

Before I can even dare to look or even react to what Otto just said, I began to feel a piercing pain in my ankle. Before I can register the pain and try to figure out what's going on my leg is hauled into the air and my body smacks to the ground.

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