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" not so secretive now "
katsuki x reader

word count: 1108
my first scenario haha-
hope you love it!


"you think we'll get caught anytime soon?"

"doubt it. those shitheads are clueless and haven't suspect anything."

katsuki and y/n are in one's dorm, chilling on the bed with their own sources to stay entertained. it was a perfect, lazy sunday afternoon. the halls of the dorms were unusually quiet. some were out, at the common room or in their own dorm. y/n was in between katsuki's legs as her back leaning against his chest. y/n was reading one of her favourite books while katsuki was scrolling through his phone. she sighs, setting the book down when she noticed the setting of the room. it wasn't dark but the window were slightly covered by the blinds, in order for the couple to not be seen.

the two had been dating for 5 months, and no one was aware of their secretive relationship. it was difficult, to say the least, to keep such a secret from the most nosiest people y/n had ever met. yet, it was also fun. fun watching them begging the two to get together or saying that one has a crush on the other.

sometimes y/n had to make up excuses in order to go on dates with katsuki or sneak kisses when no one was watching or around them. katsuki was the worst liar she has ever met. she was easily able to remain neutral and treat him the way she treats other guys in the presence of her friends, but the second someone would try to make a move on katsuki's girl, he could barely keep himself together.

the boys were easy to fool because, to be quite frank, they were completely clueless when it came to love, even if kaminari declared he knew girls best. but mina was not convinced at some times. she notices the way y/n and katsuki snuck glances at each other or how y/n would sit a little too close to him during lunch. she called her friend out on it, saying she had a crush on him and y/n just shrugged, leaving it at that.

coming back into reality, y/n sighs, leaning back further into her boyfriend's chest. katsuki grumbled, "your sighing is getting annoying now." his girlfriend apologises simply. it sure came out blunt but she knows it too. it was also katsuki's way of saying stop so she was used it. readjusting her position and glasses, y/n continues reading. katsuki can tell something is bothering her.

"somethin' on your mind?" he set his phone down beside the nightstand, he wraps his muscular arms around his girlfriend's waist, pulling closer to him. he rests his head on her shoulder, waiting for a response.

"don't you ever feel like just making our relationship official and out?" katsuki was stunned before he felt a pang of guilt travels in his chest. it wasn't her fault that the relationship was meant to be a secret on purpose. katsuki had claimed that he didn't want eijirou, denki and sero to bother him about being the first one to be in a relationship in the group. y/n agreed to the condition, she does not look forward to mina's squeals as she would question every single thing she did with him.

but after some time, y/n just wanted to scream out to the world about who she belongs to. she wanted people to know that katsuki is hers. even if that katsuki wanted to do the same, he couldn't. despite the pain it would be for non-stop teasing and bothersome, it was his insecurities that was in the way. he didn't want judgement from others to say how could the type of monster he was get a girl like y/n that was completely the opposite of him. they had this discussion before and even though his girlfriend had denied that her boyfriend is a "monster", y/n understood that he was just worried and afraid.

katsuki sighs, "i'm sorry. it must be annoying for making you wait so long." he knew the h/c-haired female has plenty of patience in her but it depends on the situation; this was one of them.

"it's okay.. i guess, it's selfish of me. i understand if you're still not ready." y/n turned her head to see his face. katsuki mumbles a bunch of lazy of "no's" as he plants kisses on her shoulder to the crook of her neck, making her giggle to the ticklish touches. he plants one last kiss on her shoulder after mumbling, "fuck no.."

"don't say that. you're not selfish. it's my fault anyways; because of my insecurities, you have to deal with my shit." y/n frowned at her boyfriend's words. she turns her full body to face him. she removes her glasses and places them aside as she smashes her lips onto katsuki's.

pulling away, "i love you, okay? your reasons for this secretive relationship are understandable. i will wait patiently, for you." she says, truthfully. katsuki couldn't be any lucky to have such a sweet girlfriend as her. he nods and it was his turn to brush his lips against y/n's. their lips danced in sync, breaths matching and their tongues fight for dominances.

that was until the door was slammed open with a few people barging in.

"bakubro!! we're ba—OH GOD MY EYES!" the familiar voice of their friend, denki, caused the two pull apart quickly, eyes widening and being flabbergasted. it was the bakusquad.

"OI, SHITHEADS! EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" katsuki yells at them while you were flustered.

"YOU TWO ARE DATING?!" mina squeals.

"THEY WERE JUST SUCKING THEIR FACES OFF, OF COURSE THEY'RE DATING!!" sero states the obvious. katsuki's and y/n's face were matching with warmth rising on their face and red tomato blush spread their cheeks to their ears.

"WE WERE NOT SUCKING OUR FACES OFF—OI, GET BACK HERE!!" katsuki starts chasing sero, denki and mina, leaving y/n and eijirou alone. the female chuckles nervously, rubbing her hands awkwardly.

"so.. you two are together now?" the red-haired male tilts his head.

"actually.. we've been dating for 5 months in secret.." y/n spills the truth, causing eijirou's mouth to be open in shock. if his jaw could, it'd be on the floor due to the amount of shock he's in.

"it's a long story.. i'm sorry, that we kept this from you—and the group." she apologises. eijirou shurgged, his lips curving into a smile.

"well.. not so secretive now, eh?" they both giggled as katsuki's yells echoed through the dorm halls.

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