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" affection "
katsuki x reader

word count 639
inspired by this drawing base comic i found on pinterest. i immediately thought of katsuki so i decided to just write a little floofy scenario uwu


it was at the end of the day, classes had finished and it was time to head back home. she was hoping to arrive at the entrance of the school before her newly boyfriend. she smiles at the event that happened two days ago. who would've known her closest classmate, katsuki would confessed his feelings for her. she remembers when the male with a tough nature, stuttering and fumbling along his words. she giggles when she replays back of the moment when he poured his heart out, in his natural blunt way. she returned his feelings, relief immediately washing over her and she could've sworn she saw his lips form a small, yet noticeable smile with his cheeks tinted pink.

her thoughts were interrupted when she remembers katsuki had planned to walk her home. she tossed her bag-strap over her shoulder and dashed out of the classroom after waving goodbyes to her friends. she stopped when she arrived at the entrance. there she saw katsuki from a few metres away, leaning against the tall piller of the gate with his phone in his hand. she frowned when his back was faced towards her but then her eyes lit up, her lips curve into a smile as an idea was created.

she was careful to not make any footsteps that he may remember. not that she know but she didn't want him to know she was planning the element of surprise. just a little further, she thought as she was literally just a few centimetres away from the ash-blonde. finally being close enough, she gently pushes her body onto his seemingly broad back, her arms wrapped around his torso, resting her chin just behind his shoulder blade. she closed her eyes, ready for whatever his reaction might be. the first reaction she thought of was rejection and she had her fingers crossed that he doesn't pull away or show signs of disgust.

katsuki was surprised, of course. who wouldn't if someone had just attacked you from behind. he stayed alert, his palms already prepared to attack whoever was behind him. he then, took a whiff. the scent of vanilla passed through his sense of smell. he takes a glance behind him and recognises the female. he didn't realize that he must've loved her that much to identify the perfume she always sprays. the expression of confusion sprawled out on his face.

"w-what is this?" katsuki's arms slowly raises upwards in an awkward manner. her head moves up, e/c hues meeting with his red velvet ones. her smile spreads wider when he finally acknowledges her, "affection!"

he hate to admit it but her actions caught him off guard. the way her smile reaches her eyes. he wasn't sure if the background behind was shining rather brightly or was it her that's shining. either way, it was blinding him, making his heart speed up while butterflies flutters in his stomach. he felt his cheeks warming up, causing him to scoff and turn around, not wanting to face her.

"disgusting.." he mutters but she completely heard it. her heart sank, maybe cracked a little. the smile on her lips slowly disappears as she loses her grip on him.

"maybe he's just not used to pda yet?" she tries to keep her hopes high by thinking positively, but it soon wasnt working. she heard him sigh, sending vibrations all over his body. in an instant, she felt a tight grip on both of her wrists. she was pulled harshly against his back while she felt warm pair of arms covering hers. she looks up slightly to watch him closely.

"k-keep doing it, i-idiot.." she catches his eyes averting to the side and his pink cheeks. she giggles, nuzzling her face into his scruff as her grip tightens gently.

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