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" she's not my girlfriend "
pro hero!katsuki x reader

word count: 509


"hey, baby." some strange man catcalls to the h/c-haired female. she decided to ignore it since her heart belongs to a explosive gremlin. with just a few steps down the hall, she felt all hairs on her nape rising, feeling a presence behind her. she knew it was a sign to just go to the nearest office room in the agency but her actions reacted a tad late. before she knew it, her back was against the cold wall by a rather hard push. both two hands were beside her head, arms trapping by her head. she was pinned onto the wall by that man again.

"awe, c'mon babe~ don't be like that." his breath reeked of alcohol as she took a quick whiff. she holds in a gag that was forming in her throat. she simply looks away, avoiding eye contact at all costs. luckily, she has all the patience she can have in the world. this man, not so much. his shit-eating smirk formed into a scowl pretty instantly.

"look at me, you shitty girl." growling, he raised a hand high. with her instincts, her shoulders shrugs to her ears, her arms protecting her as she knew a slap was coming her way. she waited, only to hear the voice of her saviour.

"just think the fuck you're doing, you shitty of a secretary?" their heads perked up like a lost deer towards the direction of the voice. the man's eyes immediately widened at his boss's figure, witnessing the situation.

"u-uh, boss ground zero!! uh—" he pauses, removing his body from the female. she finally releases her expression of disgust at him in secret but katsuki saw it alright. he refrains from the urge to laugh at her actions. her eyes met with his, sending a small smile to the pro hero.

"pro hero: ground zero." she bows slightly at him, her tone hinting at a playful manner. the ash-blonde clicked his tongue.

"you can drop the honourifics, shitty girl." he states, she answers with a simple nod. she approaches to the male, the item in her hand extended towards him.

"you forgot your lunch again, 'tsuki." she says. a small tint of pink shades on his cheeks. he scoffs as he looks away while muttering a short "thank you" in embarrassment.

"w-wait.. how the hell do you two know each other?! is she your girlfriend or something?!" they've been caught up with their small chat that they have forgotten about the existence of the man. the female turns to him.

"that's none of your business, sir—"

"no. no, she's not my girlfriend." she looks up at katsuki, slightly confused. the man's eyes light up with hope gleaming through them. the pro hero wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his body as their lips brushed against each other. it was the man's turn now to be confused. once finished, katsuki glares at him, still having the female in his hold.

"she's my fucking wife. oh, and you're fired."

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