[🌻] happy katsuki day!

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" happy birthday "
pro hero!katsuki x pro hero!reader

word count: 526
before any of you say it, it's already 20th april where i live and for japan.
happy birthday to our king explosion murder, our explosive gremlin, our babey boy, our boom boom boi, our katsuki bakugou! <3
just a little fluff and please, if i see one dirty comment about the second last paragraph i will execute you all, tHIS IS A F L U F F.


katsuki had a really tiring day. having an agency to himself was a stressful job and a huge responsibility. all the work was suddenly piled on his shoulders.

as he enters the house he shares with his girlfriend, it was pitch dark as he expected to be. it was nearing midnight, she would've been asleep by now. she too, had a job and her own agency so he'd understand. the more he thought about her, the more his heart clenches. them two have been so focused on their job as a pro hero, they had never been on a date or had quality time with each other. he was glad that he has such a patient girlfriend. he really does love her. he lets out a mix of a sigh and a groan.

walking down the hall and to the room they share, he stopped at the doorway when he saw his girlfriend holding a cake with candles that were the only source of lighting the dark room.

"since we hadn't had much time together, i figured now would be the best time." the candles were bright enough to illuminate her smile that she wore. his eyes soften at the sight. a few seconds later, a little alarm rang quietly.

"it's midnight! happy birthday, honey." she walks closer to her boyfriend with the cake extended out towards him. he silently thanked the lights were off. he was blushing like crazy. as silly as it sounds, he closed his eyes and made a wish. once finished, he looks into her eyes as he blows out the candles. she turns the light on with her telekinetic quirk and sets the cake down. she embraces the ash-blonde as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"dumbass, you didn't have to do this but.. thank you.." the last part was mumbled, due to him being flustered and shy. she giggles, planting a kiss on his chest as a "you're welcome."

"what did you wish for?" she asks, tracing circles on his chest. he kisses his forehead as he hums.

"aren't wishes supposed to be kept a secret?" katsuki lays his chin on her head. the female groans, after muttering a "fine.." he slightly chuckle at her adorable behaviour. with his two fingers, he takes her chin to make her eyes locked with his red velvet ones. he brushes his lips against her soft lips, making his knees weak by just her touch. he pulls back, eyes still locked together.

"thank you. you didn't have to but thank you," katsuki says, making the girl smile at him, lovingly.

"i miss you.." she supports her head on his chest, back to tracing circles on it. he sighs, humming a "me too" as he rests his face on her head.

"my wish was to keep our relationship going forever. our love that we have will still be strong and growing stronger as time flies."

his eyes travel to the drawer that only he knows what hid underneath it.

"if you can wait for me now, then please wait until i get the chance to ask you to marry me."

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