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" that's my girl "
katsuki x reader

word count: 563
requested by @painfullyquestioning!
i'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting or if this didn't make any sense whatsoever,, i got a little carried away and i did sorta rushed this when i know i haven't been updating much-


katsuki studies his girlfriend from afar. he still frowns at the sight of her missing limb. well, it was now replaced with a mechanical leg. the ash-blonde couldn't stand to watch his girlfriend struggle due to a missing leg. he knew her quirk could levitate her but he also knew that her energy won't last long. so, he surprised her with a mechanical leg that fitted her size well. although, she did see this coming a little. she knew her boyfriend wasn't really good at keeping things "lowkey."

it really did make her heart melt, to be honest.

she admitted: having a mechanical leg became an insecurity of hers. she was afraid that having a part of a different limb was going to have an affect on the relationship. katsuki noticed right away and his help by washing away every negative thought with kisses and soft whispers was able to turn her insecurity to something she should accept.

it did brought some children's attention whenever her daily hero duties called for her. they were amazed at her new leg and that made her confidence boost up.

she remembers the incident too well. the cause of her missing leg. it was during the battle between overhaul. the mission was to save the little girl that was secretly held captive by the young head of shie hassaikai. she risked her life in the dangerous situation and that caused the chaotic overhaul that fused with another to create spikes that were as sharp as a knife from the stone ground beneath. she screamed in pain, yet she felt numbness. she also remembers the fearful look on the girl's face that was unforgettable to not think back.

when katsuki heard about the news, he didn't dare to waste a millisecond to go to the hospital she was in. the first thing he noticed immediately was the missing limb. right there from then, he kept his word to himself that he was going to treat his girlfriend like a queen.

and he really did.

every day she was adjusting to get the hang of the new leg, he was there for her. that includes for walking, showering, changing and doing hero work. when he saw her walking for the first time without any help, it was a moment to cherish. it was like a baby walking on its own for the first time. he remembers the one time during the moments in u.a, some student was teasing his girlfriend about the different leg. he was about to explode them to pieces but she handled them quite well by kicking them with her mechanical leg.

she couldn't thank katsuki enough for being such a supportive and loving boyfriend. she couldn't ask for more. she did so many things with just a different leg on her own. she was proud of herself.

though, katsuki was the most proudest.

he walks up to his girlfriend to wrap his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. he admired her side view. he studies every detail of her face as he thought back to all those moments she faced with two different legs. he couldn't be any more amazed. it was one of the endless reasons why he loved her. he plants a small, soft kiss on her shoulder before nuzzling into her neck.

"that's my girl.."

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