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" periods "
katsuki x reader

word count: 528
i needed to write this cuz i'm on mine too aha please tell me i'm not alone


she flutters her eyes open, stirring slightly as she starts to wake up. she rubs her eyes, making her vision more clearer and noticed her boyfriend was up and early, studying at his own study desk. although his back was facing her, he did here shuffling of the sheets and a cute little yawn to know enough that his girlfriend had already been awaken.

"about time you wake up, shitty girl." that was normal for her. she knew katsuki wasn't really fond of kindness but she knows he's trying and she accepts the way he acts, even as a person who's always angry and explosive. she chuckles lightly at him.

"well, good morning to you too." katsuki bit his lip, holding back a smile that was about to crack any moment. y/n sits up but was suddenly met with a sharp pain coming from her lower abdomen and an ache on her lower back. mumbling an "ow", she winces at the pain that didn't disappear as she thought it was just some little ache that goes away. katsuki heard her, stopped whatever he was doing immediately and spins around his chair to look at hus girlfriend.

"y/n, you okay?" he asks, with a small hint worry. the moment y/n tries to stand up, she felt everything went in slow motion when she detected wetness flowing down her. she hurriedly, rushes to the bathroom, leaving a confused ash-blonde male in the room alone. raising an eyebrow, he made a decision to investigate. he waits a while in front of the bathroom, confused as ever as he heard shuffling, drawers open and shut and something like a sticker opening?

after some time, katsuki heard water running and turning off. he raises his hand to knock but in a coincidence, she opens the door at the same time. her face shows a twisted face of agony.

"uh—" katsuki was shocked and—surprisingly—clueless for once. she walks past him, shoulders bumping slightly. that made katsuki a little ticked off but he was still worried.

"y/n—" "shut the fuck up, ugh." y/n whined, the male was shocked. the female has used profanities before but not all the time like him. what the hell would something do to make her like this? they looked at each other for a while, her face not changing one bit but calmly sighs before she spoke.

"i'm on my period, honey. comes every month for a week. i'm sorry, i snapped at you. damn cramps.." she muttered the last part. katsuki's lips formed an 'o' shape as he realized now. he walks by her side and in a comforting matter, yet awkwardly, embraces the female.

"need anything?" he states. the h/c-haired looks up at her boyfriend.

"maybe a heat pack and some chocolate?" y/n requests. katsuki nods as he places a kiss before heading off.

"wait!! please stay!!" katsuki turns around, raising an eyebrow.

"but you—" before he knew it, his girlfriend was already clung onto him like a little koala. katsuki sighs and rolls his eyes while shaking his head.

"this is gonna be a long week."

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